Monday, July 27, 2009

Ask and it is given

In honor of my 50th article for the Examiner I would like to write about my favorite saying of Jesus. Ask and It Is Given is the title of the current book I am reading by Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks. A fascinating pre-cursor to their book The Law of Attraction in which I couldn’t put the book down! I suggest voraciously reading both books as they are a complete owner’s manual to the Law of Attraction. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7 of the King James Version of the Bible, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Let’s examine this statement phrase by phrase.

Ask, and it shall be given you – This is the starting point for the Law of Attraction, or That which is like unto itself is drawn. By asking for what we want, we are accepting and believing that something beyond us can give it. The desires of our heart are placed there by God for us to fulfill and actualize them. How many people go through their entire lives never becoming what they were created to be simply because they never asked for what they wanted. They either didn’t know how to ask, never believed they should have asked, or couldn’t bring themselves to a state where they were humbled by the presence of God. Asking turns over the control of self from the ego (edging God out) to the divine. The divine responds with whatever thoughts you predominately think about and emotionally charge according to the next phrase, Seek, and ye shall find. Like the genie (the Universe) says in the movie The Secret, “Your wish is my command.” Asking is a form of prayer to God for the things, circumstances and people you desire to have in your life.

Seek, and ye shall find – God doesn’t hand anyone things on a silver platter. You have to earn them. Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks state this next phrase as The Science of Deliberate Creation or That which I give thought to and that which I believe or expect – is. This is where you get what you predominantly think about, whether you want it or not. If you don’t apply these phrases or laws to the benefits of yourself and others, they still operate by default. If you think bounty, you will reap bounty. If you think lack, you will reap lack. Seeking is a form of meditation because it allows you to let go of the outer world of distraction and focus on what you truly desire. You must first know what you desire, make a plan to achieve that desire and expect it to happen. This can only come as a result of inner focus and not outer distraction.

Knock, and it shall be opened unto you – Once you know where you are going, you must take the steps to get there. Many have said it is hard and few have said it is easy. Whomever you choose to believe sitting around and dreaming of your desires without expecting them is a mind game. You must implement your plan by providing a service to mankind. This is based on the Hicks’ third law of The Art of Allowing which says I am that which I am, and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are. This means to serve others by not judging them. It means to accept them as they are and love them for who they are. When you allow you cannot resist. If you resist the flow of life, everything that annoys you will persist. It’s like the story of the barnacle who wondered what it was like downstream away from the turbulent waters. All of the other barnacles told him that if he let go of the rock he would be swept downstream and be bashed on the rocks. He would surely die! One day he let go of his hold on the rock and was swept downstream being bashed from rock to rock. However, he didn’t die as the other barnacles told him. He ended up in a peaceful pool and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of his life. Allow others to be who they are, even if they don’t allow you to be you. Don’t invite others to rent space in your head with their troubles and circumstances. Allow the universe to work as it does and your reward will be the joyous freedom of being able to create your own life experience exactly as you want it to be according to the Hicks. Set your daily intention to deliberately create your own life experience. Jesus followed in Matthew 7:8 with "For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” What a promise!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Conspiracy theories

“A conspiracy theory is any theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful Machiavellian conspirators. The word conspire means ‘to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end.’ The word ‘theory’ is, in this usage, sometimes considered to be more informal as in ‘speculation’ or ‘hypothesis’ rather than mainstream scientific theory (Source: Wikipedia).”

Two of the most popular conspiracy theories are 911 and the Moon Landing. Some people, in contrast to the eyewitnesses and scientific evidence foolishly, in my opinion, believe that the moon landing never took place. One of my readers commented to my article "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", “The moon landing was fake, filmed in the desert in Nevada with the help of captured Aliens from area 51. Don't believe it.” Well, I choose to believe the facts in this case; not implausible theories. In regard to 911, however, there are two conspiracy theories; the first is that Al-Qaeda perpetrated 911 and the second is that the Neo-Cons, under the command of Bush (more like Carl Rove) and Cheney, allowed it to happen. In Secretary Mineta’s testimony to the 911 Commission he stated that Cheney had, within his power, to stop the attacks cold; but Cheney’s order to stand down never changed. It kind of makes you wonder what was going through the diabolical mind of a man who has had repeated heart problems and lives in fear. As for Bush, his dumbfounded look in the classroom when he was informed of the attack clearly shows he had no idea; he was clueless. Yet Cheney, was in the “bunker” in command and giving the orders; or should we say NOT giving the orders to shoot down the jets. After years of searching for the WMD, none were found; yet one man’s fear plunged us into a war and many American and Iraqi lives were sacrificed on the altar of fear. If you are wondering how could someone like this sleep at night, come to know that they can; because they are convinced they are doing, or have done, what is right for themselves and everyone else. Neo-con thought embraces the principles of Machiavelli.

In The Prince, Machiavelli is attributed with the fundamental break between political Idealism (the outside world is an extension of the mind) and political Realism (existence is independent and not a result of knowledge and consciousness). The Prince is a manual to acquiring and keeping political power. In regard to Bush and Cheney, there is an interesting quote from The Prince; "There are many who think a wise prince ought, when he has the chance, to foment astutely some enmity, so that by suppressing it he will augment his greatness." Interesting, considering Machiavelli’s position taken by the Medici family when the families of Italy had to be united in a common cause against the Gauls. As a political scientist, Machiavelli emphasized the methodical exercise of brute force (punishment or reward) to preserve the status quo (current or existing state of affairs). The term “Machiavelli” denotes someone of politically-extreme perspective and is referenced in modern psychology as a personality type. Personality types involve qualitative differences between people as opposed to personality traits which are quantitative differences between people. In regard to personality types, Carl Jung postulated that there were four main functions of consciousness; sensation and intuition were perceiving functions and thinking and feeling were judging functions. These functions were modified by the two main attitude types of extroversion and introversion. Jung’s theory further states that whichever function dominates a person’s consciousness, its opposite is repressed and will characterize their unconscious behavior. In regard to personality traits, the Big Five factors and their constituent traits are Openness (curiosity), Conscientiousness (self-discipline), Extraversion (self-confidence), Agreeableness (compassion) and Neuroticism (easily experiences negative emotions; emotional instability). In other words, if your dominant thoughts are neurotic and extraverted, you will repress the good things in life and tell others that’s how it is. When you live in fear you are living outside of yourself (Realism). Turn to the world on the inside of yourself and discover a place where there is no fear, only faith (Idealism). Show me anything created by mankind on this earth that wasn’t first a thought in someone’s mind. You can’t! Seduction comes from the Latin and it means “to lead astray.” Mankind continually uses distraction and seduction to convince others to follow their belief system instead of going within and accessing the one true God. Don’t be fooled by getting distracted and seduced by unscrupulous individuals who are out to gain power over you and rent space in your head.

The true principles of spirituality lead you to an alignment with God and His resultant creation. Those who perpetrate fear and separation are responsible for all of the lack and limited beliefs in the world. This universe and this world are abundant. Those who live in fear will always tell you otherwise. You have the power to change their channel to a channel of wisdom, peace and abundance. It starts by shutting off the outside world and going within to seek the Kingdom of Heaven. God has no conspiracies!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The law of distraction

The definition of the Law of Attraction, according to Esther Hicks (Abraham), is “that, which is like unto itself, is drawn." In other words if you think positive thoughts you will attract positive outcomes. Conversely, if you think negative thoughts you will attract negative outcomes. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? I can hear all of the scientists laughing out loud. The mere thought that the electrical signals in your brain can generate a significant enough magnetic field to affect the energy and matter outside of the brain is not plausible to them. Just as scientists claim that the magnetic fields of the planets and stars are not strong enough to affect us; their main claim to poopoo Astrology. Yet the gravitational effect of the Moon’s mass in its orbit around the Earth affects the tides. Since our bodies are between 88% to 92% water, wouldn’t that affect us as well? Dane Rudhyar, in his book “The Astrology of Personality”, approaches astrology as a language of symbology, not physics. Remember, science needs to measure things quantitatively and qualitatively. If it cannot devise a way to measure something, it is relegated to the term pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is defined as theories methodologies, or practices that are considered to be without scientific foundation. In other words, they cannot be proven by experimentation; according to the way some scientists think. But what if the Law of Attraction is merely symbolic?

Before a coffee table became a coffee table the thought of that coffee table was in the mind of the designer. By looking at it from every angle of how it would come into being, the designer, either by himself or with the help of others, brought the idea into a thought form. Before things existed they were first thoughts. Some scientists can clearly see this, yet they still poopoo the Law of Attraction because they cannot develop an accurate way to measure it. So, like most small minded people, they throw the baby out with the bathwater and relegate the LOA to pseudoscience. I call this the Law of Distraction. Simply because one is not intelligent enough to devise a way to measure something doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way to measure it. In other words, “that, which cannot be measured, according to current understanding, is dismissed.” Some scientists conveniently forget that our senses and our measuring devices, which are based on our senses, are limited. Science cannot measure beliefs and faith. Since they don’t have physical properties, they are all constructs of the mind. Many scientists forget the human passion that is necessary to create all the wonders we experience today. Passion like that of Nikola Tesla. The man who invented radio and alternating current, making it possible to communicate and receive power over long distances; in effect, bringing our world closer. He saw these things in his mind and his passion made it come about.

Politicians effectively practice the Law of Distraction. If they can make up a scenario for you to focus on long enough, they can distract you from seeing what they are really doing. Take “C Street” for example. Also, the constant commercials about writing your congressman to stop health care reform. God forbid we don’t do what the banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies want us to do. In order to be an aware individual you must not get distracted from your focus. Don’t listen to the nay sayers, whether scientists, theologians, corporations or politicians who bait and switch the masses everyday. After watching Liz Cheney make an utter fool of herself concerning Obama’s birth certificate, I came to the conclusion that the Republican party is so desperate to distract their constituents from the truth, that they parade the former VP’s daughter around in the media. Why is she there? What civil service job has she held? Oh, that’s right; she is a blonde and speaks forcefully supporting her dad; the same dad who endorsed death squads and torture camps. And then there’s G. Gordon Liddy. Oh yeah, we can surely trust him! If they can keep you distracted long enough, they can convince you, by congressional inaction and finger pointing, that they were right! Don’t be fooled with rhetoric and distraction.

The LOD is a ploy to make you NOT look at the facts. Just because you cannot measure something doesn’t mean you cannot believe in it or have faith in it. Do you know what magnetism is? Because you don’t know what it is or how to measure it does that mean that you don’t use it? Everyday, from your clock radio to your TV, microwave and car you use magnetism. Examine the facts about the world around you and don’t get distracted by those who speak with authority and conviction in order to distract you from the truth. Stay focused and attract the best into your life by letting go of distraction.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Coping with disbelief

I’ve recently seen a humorous commercial from Fiber One cereal about a new disease called I.D.S., which is an initialism for Irrational Disbelief Disorder (not an accepted disorder by medical and psychological professionals). I.D.S. is a supposed condition where, despite all of the observations and the facts, one does not believe in the accepted conclusions of many observers. In other words, people are “incapable of believing in things that are universally understood to be true”, as is stated in the commercial. In science, one must observe, record and interpret data based on an experiment as it occurs in the environment of the experiment; this includes the observer’s participation in the experiment. This commercial is a brilliant piece of marketing because it pokes fun at all the initialisms and acronyms that the medical and psychological communities invent to box people into disorders. “If you can box them, you can control them” is the statement I once heard at an A.M.A. medical convention by a doctor that was speaking in St. Louis in 1980. Less than 50% of all doctors belong to the American Medical Association in this country; what about what the other 50% have to say when the A.M.A. issues a statement?

I saw (for about the tenth time) the town hall meeting in Delaware in which Representative Mike Castle was presiding. Each time I watched the “birther” lady in the audience make an utter fool out of herself waving an American flag and her “U.S. birth certificate” in a plastic bag; BTW, it had to have been a county birth certificate. Despite the facts that are in evidence, she still believes that President Obama was not born in this country! Instead of cloaking her claim in something as ludicrous as disputing a legal document, why doesn’t she just speak the truth and reveal that she is a racist and religious bigot? Someone should have told her that if she left immediately, she could have still caught the Klan meeting in Elkton, MD. Mike Castle handled the situation calmly and professionally and stated the fact that Obama WAS born in this country. One of my readers has insisted that I not point the finger at conservatives but in this case I have one question. Why do you have so many extremists, sore losers and nut cases in the Republican (Conservative) camp? Why would you allow such people as this lady, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly to determine your platform? Can’t you see that they are hurting your cause more than helping it? In regard to this lady, David Schuster of MSNBC stated last night that her behavior was a “lack of intellectual integrity.” I couldn’t have said it better. My conclusion is that the problem here was an emotional reaction by her; no intellect was apparent whatsoever. I guess she suffers from I.D.S.

As for finger pointing, what about the conservatives who pointed the finger at Bill Clinton? As the saying goes, the problem with pointing the finger is that three fingers are pointing back at you. Senator John Ensign’s hand was caught in the cookie jar after he attacked Clinton’s infidelity. My fiancĂ© made a great observation; Ensign appeared to not be sorry for what he did wrong but for the fact that he got caught! Can you believe this or are you suffering from I.D.S.? It doesn’t matter what political camp you come from, the fact remains that human beings when thrust into positions of power sometimes react badly. It doesn’t mean that they are bad people; it means that when they are confronted with situations that they haven’t encountered before, they sometimes make the wrong choices; or should I say choices that aren’t beneficial to themselves, their careers, family or lifestyles.

Beliefs are a result of practiced thoughts. Whether they are true or not doesn’t matter. If you practice a thought pattern day after day and year after year, eventually it will become true for you. It is a relative truth. If you make the time to discover your connection with God you will be exposing yourself to His absolute truth. Like Pete Townsend said, “And I'll get on my knees and pray, We don't get fooled again.”

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

This is one of the greatest quotes in the history of our world. It sums up the efforts of thousands, if not millions of people and support staff that made the first landing on the moon possible. Neil Armstrong took his individual step and ushered in a new era for mankind by recognizing the efforts of everyone who made his step possible. I remember, as a 15 year old boy, the magic of this moment. It was in the evening of an 87 degree day and I was riveted to the TV set. I was sweating from the 85% relative humidity and couldn’t wait to see the first step on the moon; LIVE! My mother and I watched intently as Neil made history. She reflected that she never thought she would be alive to see this moment. It was a moment that I would never forget because we shared it together. It has now been six years since she has died and I still remember the look of amazement on her face when Neil took his step.

In honor of this 40 year anniversary of this momentous occasion I would like to update Neil’s statement to an even broader perspective. If each one of us took one small step every day toward a better life on this earth, could you even imagine what effect it would have on humankind? Instead of wallowing in a pool of self-pity, self-aggrandizement or self-centeredness, what if we just gave a portion of our time and knowledge to those in need? The seed of participation and cooperation would spread virally across the planet. It would be a pay-it-forward avalanche. Let’s take it further. What if we took one small step in not believing that the worst will happen to us and only expect the best to happen? Would our bounty be an avalanche of blessings from this abundant universe? The only way to truly know is to try. Jesus said, “How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” (Luke 2:49). If we truly want to be like Jesus, shouldn’t we be about our Father’s business? What is our Father’s business?

Dr. R. J. Rushdoony says the following in regards to the The Sermon on the Mount, "Man is not, however much he may talk of autonomy, a self sufficient creature. He is necessarily dependent upon others. Coupled with this necessary dependency is the fact that he is created in the image of God. Man is a purposive creature: he is goal directed. God created him to be his vicegerent (a deputy) over the earth, to exercise dominion and to develop the meaning and scope of God's reign and Kingdom. Man's life thus is colored in all things by a purpose, meaning, or goal." Wow! According to this statement God has left us in charge of this earth and to be fruitful and multiply. Our past history has indicated that we have done this amidst wars, diseases and pestilences. We have been fruitful and we have multiplied. But have we taught our young how to think correctly and how to have dominion over the earth? With this charge comes a great responsibility. Have we equipped the next generation with the intelligence and tools necessary to accomplish this task?

In order to pass on our responsibilities to the next generation we must deputize them not only with our power, but our insight as well. By making the time to teach them the necessary lessons we are taking that one small step. The giant leap for humankind comes when our young collectively apply the lessons we have taught them in manifesting desires that positively affect each and every one of us with health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. Stop the lack and limitation garbage thinking in this world by accepting the abundance of this universe. Show our young that their resources are unlimited. You can temporarily cover up the smell of garbage with perfume (positive talk) but the smell of the perfume will eventually wear off. Only when you remove the source of the smell (negative thinking) can you truly create a new and better smell that will last. Speak power into the lives of the young and we will all reap the rewards that God has already given us; we just need to get out of our own way to receive them!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Altering your perspective

One night before a battle in the Civil War a lone soldier began to sing out with his tenor voice, “There’s no place like home.” Within minutes he was joined by a chorus of voices in the Confederate side. Soon after, on the other side of the river Union soldiers began to echo the voices they heard. Their perspective was one of fear and impending death yet one lone voice altered, if just for a few moments, their perspective. Your point of view is so integral in your outlook on life. Where is your point of view? Do you take a stance based on facts, beliefs or what someone else has told you how it is? Examine where it is you are coming from and where it is you want to go. Select a perspective based on where it is you want to go.

There is an old story about the two hunters who were on opposite sides of a hill. A big dog ran down the hill in between both of them chasing a bird. When the hunters got together and talked about the dog running down the hill their stories were a bit different. One hunter said it was a yellow dog, but the other said it was brown. They argued because their perspective was different. Prior to running down the hill the dog rolled in the mud on one side and when the mud dried he appeared to be brown. Both hunters were correct in their observation that it was a big dog; they just differed in what color the dog appeared to be. It’s the same with religion and God. Most spiritual people agree that there is a God; they just differ in how He appears to be to them. Appearances are deceptive because they are based on our limited sensory input. We cannot see beyond an octave of frequencies. We cannot hear beyond 7 octaves of frequencies and we cannot smell, touch or taste beyond an octave of frequencies.

Perspective can be further illustrated by the story of the glass being half empty or half full. If the glass started out being empty, and water is poured in half way, it is half empty. If the glass started out being full and water is removed half way down, then it is half full instead of being half empty. This analogy could be turned into an endless loop argument but suffice it to say that one’s expectations of the end result is what determines one’s perspective. What are your expectations of your end result? Do you declare everyday that it is going to be a great day or a lousy day? Do you set the intentions of your day to derive positive results or do you simply wait for someone to tell you who or what to believe in? Are you an active participant in your life or a passive acceptor of the way it is?

When you think positively about your outcomes and expect the best result it is impossible for the results to turn out badly. When you consistently feel badly about something does it ever turn out good for you? Examine the converse and realize that your mind is a broadcast mechanism that directs electrical energy in your brain and manifests exactly what you are consistently focusing on. Are you focusing on health, wealth, prosperity and abundance or are you focusing on illness, poverty, lack and limited resources? When negative thoughts appear in your mind just change the channel. Don’t accept their possible outcomes as true. Your feelings are your emotional guide to let you know how to proceed. If you are feeling badly about occurrences in your life then project positive outcomes from these occurrences. Don’t accept that just because it appears to be bad, that’s the way it will turn out! We are all designed to be healthy, wealthy, prosperous and abundant. Don’t allow the possibility of other than that to be the resultant outcome. Change your thought channel from doom and gloom to peace and actualized potential. Christ gave us the authority to speak greatness into our lives! “Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done (Matthew 21:21).

When you focus on positive states of mind, give attention to these states and consistently practice changing your attention to positive outcomes, the Law of Attraction yields to your command and brings about the positive state your desire. Just like when you succumb and give your attention to negative thoughts and practice these debilitating reactions leads to the desired outcome of lack and limitation. You have control over your reactions and your pro-actions. Expectation creates an exact match of what you expect. Expect only the best in your life and tune out the outcomes that don’t match your positive intentions.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Make thanking God the first thing you do everyday

It is has been said by many successful people that the first thing you do to accomplish your goal is to set the tone for your trip by taking the first step. How many of us dream of our goals and yet, no matter how hard we try, never reach them? Why? Is it because we don’t have the skills to accomplish what we seek? Is it because we aren’t lucky? Or is it because we don’t set the tone for our trip by giving thanks for our blessings? This seems to be the best starting point for any trip toward your goals.

Giving thanks for your blessings allows you to humble your spirit and acknowledge your connection to God. Since everything comes from God giving thanks accepts the fact that we are an extension of the Almighty. God, from His point of stillness, emanates 144 octaves of energy known as the electromagnetic spectrum. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it just simply changes form. Matter is a denser form of energy. It vibrates slower than sunlight. The only thing that separates matter and energy is its rate of vibration. Check out the current discoveries in quantum physics to corroborate these observations. We are always connected to God whether we see it or not. If you want to change your life for the better and manifest your dreams you need to start where you are right now. Don’t wait for some fantasy time in the future when all things are perfect, because that time doesn’t exist. The only time you truly have is NOW! Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ll get it together tomorrow. You might not have a tomorrow; we are all one breath away from death. Make good use of the time you do have.

When you start your day by giving thanks to God for your blessings you are setting a positive tone for your day. You will be surprised how things fall into place, how people interact with you and how problems roll off your back. Don’t allow others to “rent space in your head” with their skew on life or their problems and attitudes. Set the tone for God to guide your steps throughout the day by giving thanks to Him the first thing everyday. Make your gift of love and thanks to God a priority. Blessings will abound when you make the time to respect your creator. Be true to God and yourself!

Life is a process of keeping what you want and getting rid of what you don’t want. The only thing that truly matters is what you think about yourself; not what others think about you. If your focus is upon how much better, smarter or more incredible you are than others, than you’ve missed the point. It’s not about competition; it’s about creation. God has given you talents and gifts in specific combinations only for you to manifest. Will you do something with those gifts or will you sit on them? If you sit on them it’s like telling God He didn’t know what He was doing when He created you. There hasn’t been a human being ever alive that knows what God knows. Human arrogance is so foolish. Don’t buy into the humanistic top-of-the-food-chain crap that some religions feed you. They too are missing the mark. We are extensions of the Most High God and we are His prized creation. Shouldn’t we be acting like we are?

Respect of God and His creation is the first and foremost step to achieving peace, harmony and abundance in this life. Without it, we are lost. Focus on the blessings. An old church hymn says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.” When you recognize that God has created this universe with everything you need to survive and thrive, why not be thankful for it? What would you do without the air you breathe? You would die. It’s that simple. This planet and the life it gives is in such delicate balance that it couldn’t have happened by chance. And who’s to say that evolution was not the process that God chose to manifest His creation? Whoever does needs to examine the facts and not blindly rely on myths and stories to the contrary. God emanates life to each and every one of us; the plants, the animals, the universe. Respect that balance by giving thanks to God everyday.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Question authority

An Authoritarian is defined as characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience. Authoritarianism is defined as the habit of conduct, thought, and speech expressing total submission to rigid principles and rules. The principles and views of the rule maker.

I will never forget when I walked into my 7th grade World Civ class in 1967 at Central Junior High School in Newark, DE. As I walked to my seat I saw a bumper sticker-like flyer on the cork board that said, “Question Authority.” Since I was raised a Pentecostal in an Assembly of God Church, I was indoctrinated with an authoritarian God who breathed either blessings or fire and brimstone with the same breath. That phrase, “Question Authority” stuck in my head and became a theme for my life. Yes, it caused me a great deal of grief at times but it was my individual salvation. It taught me to learn to think for myself.

Being raised in a Republican family, I went along with the tenets and politicians of conservatism, not knowing what it was all about. In fact, when I turned 18 and voted for the first time, I voted for Nixon. Not something I am proud of, but I was indoctrinated and uninformed about the truth. When Nixon fell, it woke me up to my responsibility to research not only what a politician says, but what he doesn’t say as well. But Nixon was a religious man; a Quaker by faith. Yet, with all his lessons of propriety and obedience absolute power corrupted him absolutely. Soon after, I dropped out of the political game and pursued my musical career.

In the eighties I returned to college and learned logic. My professor instructed me that I would be using a part of my brain that I had never used before. His statement of “most people don’t think, they emotionally react” triggered my memory about questioning authority. He further taught my class about the Socratic Dialectic where the philosopher Socrates taught his students by not answering them, but by replying with another question. This forced his students to think. During the school year President Reagan (I refer to him as Raygun) came to our campus and gave a speech. My professor got an advanced copy of the speech and gave an assignment to break down the speech by logic principles and write a summation. Also, we had to attend the rally and compare the speech given with the advanced copy and break it down with logic principles. When I completed the assignment I couldn’t believe what I discovered. President Raygun really didn’t say anything of value. He stated platitudes such as “What a great land, this country of ours.” What the hell is that? The crowd cheered and howled when truly nothing was said. There were only two people in class that got an A for this assignment and I was one of them. He never said anything of value. He was the major proponent of supply side economics and the trickle-down theory.

History has proven that trickle-down economics doesn’t work. Yet the neo-conservatives continue to whine the same old tune of returning to the Raygun years. How many times do we have to hear this out of tune song and continue to listen to it? The modern day conservatives, neo-conservatives and moderates operate on the authoritarian model of government. They cry about less government control and they deregulate their greedy buddies and allow them to send our economy on a roller coaster ride into hell. I recently heard Tom Delay state how our economy was stable during the “W” years. This guy is delusional! “W” walked into a budget surplus over 200 billion dollars and left us with a trillion dollars in debt. “W” listened year after year to his diabolical advisor and consummate “Spin Doctor” Carl Rove. All of their oil cartel buddies consistently got their wallets padded at our expense. And now Dick Cheney’s assassination squads have been revealed. Will we demand justice for individuals who were in authority positions and blatantly violated the law? Torture and death squads originating in our country and we do not prosecute? What does that say about us?

Yet, why is it that almost fifty percent of this country voted for the lies of John McCain? Don’t get me wrong here. I hold John McCain in high regard for his loyalty to this country, but his lies and foolishness ended up in his political demise. Why do you think the Republicans forced such an apparent airhead as Sarah Palin on him as a running mate? I really got sick and tired of hearing the “Maverick” crap during the campaign. John McCain bucked the neo-cons and they wanted him to lose. It’s a shame that he couldn’t see that. Let’s get back to their authoritarian model.

Jesus was persecuted for speaking the truth. Some of those he spoke the truth to were uncomfortable with the fact that he knew their game and that they didn’t want anyone else to know their game. Jesus questioned authority and could see within the hearts of men. That’s why authoritarians seek and most times get support from common folk because they believe they will blindly follow them and never question their authority. Jesus questioned authority and died for it.

People like Rush Limbaugh dupe the masses with their rhetoric. After examining his audience I have come to an interesting conclusion; most of Rush’s listeners are rednecks and are uneducated in the ways of the modern world. Where are Rush Limbaugh’s answers? He wants Obama’s policies to fail! Where does that leave us? Why don’t you say the truth, Rush? You want us to fail so you can succeed! So you can be proven right. What a way to validate your ego! You don’t truly care about this country or the people in it! The way this man thinks is childish at best. His message operates from a space of lack and limited resources. Yet his bank account is loaded! Why would anyone with half a brain listen to this man? What really strikes me very funny is that a comedian is the figurative leader of the Republican Party. The lies are continually being perpetrated on those who accept for gospel what they say and DON’T question authority.

Recently I have been under attack by some nay sayers. That’s OK because we are all entitled to our opinion. I will daily continue to question authority and stave off mediocrity. The real enemy is mediocrity. I suggest you read this article to find ways to shake off the stain of mediocrity.

In summation, I would like to say that I am a Libertarian. I believe that government needs to regulate our economy and trade to stave off the greedy, but should stay out of our personal lives. Just look at what the Fascist Regime of George W. Bush did to our Bill of Rights and got away with it. I believe that we all need to learn from the greed and control freaks in the world. Their time has come to an end. They are old school and we now have a President who wants to defend and protect our individual rights. Wake up people!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Be careful what you ask for…

You might get it! Everyday many thoughts swim through our minds and we either attach to these thoughts our attention or dismiss them as fantasies. Many great leaders and artists have harnessed the power of attaching “I can” to their thoughts. All of us have had those moments where we simply know we can achieve something even though the external environment seems to paint a picture that we can’t. We either choose to accept these outside circumstances as real and true or we embrace our “knowing” thoughts as possibilities. Accepting possibilities is where we can start planning to create the life that we want. When we convert the possibilities to probabilities is when we begin to actualize the thoughts and dreams we have desired.

Take Barack Obama for example. I saw a video clip of him back in the early 90’s outlining the direction he believed America needed to go and then more than 15 years later he is in command of where America can go into the future. Several times Jesse Jackson ran for the presidency and was unsuccessful, but his dream that an African American would someday be president came to pass. Some say that the picture here in the article was his disgust that he wasn’t elected, but I vehemently disagree. The look in his face reflects thanks to God for fulfilling his dream; even though he wasn’t the fulfillment of the dream. I submit this picture as the picture of the decade, or perhaps for the past several hundred years in which this country embraced slavery. Jesse Jackson’s years of knowledge about Martin Luther King, Jr. prepared him and enriched his life so he could believe in the dream. He met challenge after challenge and kept the hope of his dream alive. He asked for a world where anyone could be elected president and he got it! The dream might not have manifested the way he thought it would, but it manifested nonetheless.

How many dreams have you let go by the wayside? Did you pay attention so much to the outside circumstances that you abandoned any hope of manifesting your dream? Did you realize that the outside circumstances are a result of what you thought last week, last month or last year? Start directing your attention to the thoughts in your mind that say “I can!” Know that you can achieve anything that you desire by grabbing those thoughts, thinking diligently about them everyday and manifesting them into your world by ignoring the outside world and believing in your ability to manifest your desires. Remember, the root of the word desire is “of the father.” God wouldn’t have given you those desires unless he had given you the power to create and manifest them.

I remember from seminary school when we studied a book that contained the four gospels on two facing pages. We could read what Christ said in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and compare what Christ said in the original Koinè (pronounced coinay) Greek. Even though some of the wording varied from gospel to gospel, the underlying truth in what Christ said was revealed. It was obvious and apparent. He told us that we could move mountains! But how can we do that you might ask? It’s simple; grab the positive thought of your desire and believe in your ability to manifest it. When Christ approached Lazarus tomb he told Lazarus to wake up. He spoke with conviction and authority. He knew he would arise! Know the gifts that God has given you and use them to create the life that you desire. Don’t listen to the nay sayers who try to beat you up with your own words or “God’s words” as they understand them to be. Read what Christ said and follow his example. Like Jesse and Barack you will win every time!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Off the wall

After the last week of the media blitz over Michael Jackson’s death I have a few observations to make and a story to tell. Many of us were shocked at this untimely death, especially in the wake of his comeback. In 1977 I was a musician who played with a band at the old Columbia lot in Hollywood and caught a glimpse of him one time at the canteen. He seemed to be a person who loved to laugh and have a great time. Many things have been said about him both good and bad but the only thing proven was his charity. Having not much of a childhood as a child, he reached out to others only desiring to bring joy to their lives. Many have said that he was “off the wall” but I say he was “on the mark.” The greatest message he relayed was in his lyrics for the song “Heal the World.”

The chorus is as follows:

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

What a message! We all have the power that God has given us to heal the world and make it a better place. Do you care enough for the living? Have you reached out and helped another person who is in need? If you have then God bless you for giving. If you haven’t, then try to help someone who is not where they want to be in their life. It’s not just about money. It’s about giving your time, sharing your talents and abilities, going the extra mile especially when you don’t feel like it. Jesus said that if someone shows up at your door in need and your reject them, you are rejecting him. Why would he say this? Because we are all connected through God. He has created us to be express His knowledge, wisdom and beauty. Christ said not to cover your light but to shine it forth unto the world. Give of yourself to others. That doesn’t mean that you allow others to use you, but you allow others to benefit from your experience and knowledge.

On the day of MJ’s funeral I was in Wilmington donating my time to a workshop that trains kids in television production during the summer. I left the workshop and turned onto 4th Street heading for 95. When I came to the light under 95 it was green and I proceeded into the left turn lane. The light changed and the rear of my car stuck out a little bit in the intersection. Coming towards me in the opposite left lane was a new red pickup with a guy waving his hands. As he passed me he shouted, “You’re a true nigger!” Sometimes I am ashamed to be white. Especially when someone uses derogatory and racial terms. I was raised to respect all races and people; whether they were like me or different from me. The African American community and the entire world just lost an iconic figure that gave so much of himself to help others and here is a guy broadcasting hate. The only thing I could do was to ask God to bless him.

We all might look and act differently than one another but the spirit of God is within each and every one of us. Recognizing that is the first step to attaining the Kingdom of Heaven. Respecting our differences and embracing the unity we have in our diversity is next. Finally, making the time to help someone in need is God in action. Blessings abound when we share the spirit of God with all. Find someone in need and go ahead; make their day!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Are you attached to the outcome?

I had a great conversation with a good friend of mine over the weekend. He has owned several businesses in the past and is very successful. In fact, he owns a business that finances and factors other businesses. In our conversation he outlined what he has learned from starting and running his businesses. I think this information is relevant based on the exchanges with evangelicals I have had lately concerning the Word of God. First, my friend said that one has to respect his customers, employees, financers and finally himself. Without respect for your environment you cannot completely understand what is going on around you. Secondly, you must not be attached to the outcome of your efforts (or others’ efforts) or you end up getting involved in more than you can handle. Finally, you must learn to trust your actions based on your perceptions after you have carefully thought out your course of action.

Doctrines have a way of being static. They are rigid and reflect a manner of thought and principle which limits the creativity and expression of those who are different than the mainstream. Doctrines and principles are necessary elements of an organized and lawful society. But just as our criminal justice system is notoriously 30 years behind social change, we need this lag in order to gradually adjust to our ever growing perceptions of our world. All of this comes from observing our world and environment as it stands; not how it was 2000 years ago! Respect for your environment comes from observation, clear perception and an understanding of growth. Taking the correct action and making the steps to change things to allow their growth requires a correct visualization of their outcome. Not how they get there, but the end result. Problems arise when people attach themselves to a perceived outcome based on just their understanding of doctrines and principles without taking into account the perceptions and observations of others. When we take others perceptions and observations into account we truly begin to see a 360 degree picture of life. Then, and only then, can we make a decision to take a course of action that is beneficial for all and not just for us.

Judgment of others restricts our own growth and well-being. It separates us from God. God’s creation is wonderful. It exudes life and growth. What comes into your life is based upon the thoughts that you hold on to. How you feel reflects your resistance or allowance of life. If you feel good about life you are allowing the blessings of God to come forth. If you feel bad then you are resisting these blessings. Pointing the finger at those you perceive as sinners does not create positive feelings. It creates a separation between you and God. God daily supplies you with life and abundance. Why cut yourself off from that supply by judging others? There is no poverty or sickness. Only the thoughts that accept these conditions based on a lack of understanding and a separation from God by either judging others or yourself. You attach yourself to an outcome based on the thoughts that you hold true. Holding separation thoughts daily and viewing the results of these thoughts time and time again create a holding pattern for your life. You never get to where you want to be because you are holding yourself back. You accept these thoughts because of your experience and they become your beliefs. Stop it! God has given you the power to change these false beliefs and make heaven on earth; not just for yourself, but for everyone.

Seek the truth and know that God is a God of love. His creation is perfect and it is not your job to judge it based upon what someone wrote thousands of years ago. The Bible is a guide as how you should behave but the books in it were selected by men who wanted to lead others and be glorified for their actions. It is a guide and NOT the final word on life. Any time you look outside of yourself for the truth you are putting yourself in a position where you can be attached to the outcome of your actions or others actions or lack thereof. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within. It is in you right now. Seek the truth and read the red. Anytime you choose to believe that you need a middle man between you and God you are off course. Go within and seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Meditate on the God within you and listen to His still small voice. It is there that you will receive the truth. Not in the translations and manipulation of man. Attach yourself to the truth that is revealed by God and not the truth that is revealed by the middle men of God.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Are you resisting well-being?

At varying times in our lives we have situations that occur when we know something is wrong. We feel it down deep in our beings, yet we follow the conventional acceptance because of societal programming. How does this affect our well-being? Well-being is defined as a state characterized by health, happiness and prosperity. The outer effect reflects the inner state of mind. If you repeatedly bury facts brought to your attention because of societal programming they will eventually surface and affect your well-being. Why? Because truth in life flows easily and effortlessly. When human beings manipulate the truth to their own end is when it gets convoluted. Manipulating the truth is what creates resistance to the truth and this is where religions and churches have controlled the masses over the millennia. Churches and religions have become the middle men between God and man. People have sought out religious leaders because they believe they have a special connection to God, when in reality, we all have that special connection.

I was raised in the Assembly of God Church whose sect of Protestantism is Pentecostal. Every week we were hammered with memorization of Bible verses. Yes, we memorized them, but without a clue as to what they really meant. Verses taken out of context to support assertions made by the pastor and his wife. The pastor’s wife was a pistol. During the sixties she translated the meaning of the Bible to whip game over the women in our church. She twisted Bible verses into facts that women shouldn’t wear slacks, go bowling or be forward with men. As a child something felt wrong about this but I went along with the conventional wisdom of the church leaders. I kept observing the women in the church believing what the preacher’s wife said; they took it hook, line and sinker. They would never question her because she was the preacher’s wife and they feared her. Did Jesus teach fear? Hardly. He taught compassion and understanding. Year after year I observed and prayed for understanding about the way these women were being misguided. I asked God to somehow be an instrument in making this woman understand that she was misguiding others and imposing her beliefs on the women in the church. She was teaching what she believed and not what Jesus had said! Be careful what you ask for; sometimes you get it.

Every Sunday the kids in Sunday School had to get up in front of the congregation and recite Bible verses. The preacher’s wife would say a word and we would have to recite a Bible verse from each letter of the word. The boy next to me had an “I” and I had a “T”. We switched letters because we had already memorized verses from those letters. When it came to me I quoted Proverbs 21:9; “It is better to dwell in the corner of a housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” “Sacrilege!”, she screamed and demanded I quote another verse immediately. I followed with Proverbs 21:19; “It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious woman and an angry woman.” The congregation burst out in laughter and she looked up at her husband behind the pulpit and he had his hand over his mouth covering his laughter. She stomped her foot down and stormed out of the church; never to return. The pastor and his family left the church and we never heard from them again. I was terrified that I had done something that had affected so many families. I went to Brother Brown (a Deacon at the church) and cried because God had answered my prayer but I didn’t want anything to happen like this! He said, “God works in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform” (William Cowper/1731-1800). It wasn’t until years later that I truly understood this statement. God will reveal the truth in His own good time. He will allow others to be blinded by those who whip game over others because His glory will be revealed at just the right time! The Apostle Paul’s teachings have corrupted believers for too many years. Even as a child I recognized the contradictions between what he preached and what Jesus preached.

To the first comment by L.E.G. on the last article I would like to say that it wasn’t my intent to label all Christian Conservatives as the Religious Right. But if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn’t, then cast it off. The reader provided a link to his article, “Did the Apostle Paul Preach Another Gospel? I suggest readers read this article and the comments that follow. Thank you L.E.G. for responding and providing enlightening material. To the second commenter (IIDHM) I reply, “What about the truth do you not understand?” Do you know who wrote Leviticus? Were you there? Were you a part of the people that experienced life at that time more than 2000 years ago? I don’t think so. Yet you speak with such authority about something that you know not of. Yes, the literal translation of abomination is “God hates it”, but did God say this or did man? You are wrong about sin. God has given us the free will to choose whether we sin or not. What a great God! The fear of sin and God’s reprisal has been the downfall of mankind since the first priests whipped game on the masses with this concept of sin. Like Jesus said when he forgave the adulteress, “Go and sin no more.” God doesn’t hate sin. God loves his most prized and creation. You and me. He is a God of love and not hate. As for the final commenter (G.D.) I say the following: Your attitude can only come from many years of sitting on your shoulders. Pull your head out of you know where and seek the truth. It will truly set you free! My training has been quite extensive, and if you have read any of my other articles I am very well prepared in my presentations. Before I write anything I extensively research it and make sure that I am presenting the facts and not an individual skew presented by Holier Than Thous like Pat Robertson. As far as my arguments being untenable, then please, present your case and I will argue with you ad infinitum about your faulty conclusions. Brush up on your facts because I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. People like you are what gives true Christians a bad name. Get off your high horse and don’t blame the Examiner for publishing someone who researches their topics as opposed to someone like yourself who just spouts off at the mouth with no rhyme or reason. As for being an expert, neither I nor the Examiner has ever claimed that I am an expert. By the way you talk, you surely think that you are by your presentation of your facts (which were somehow left out of your comment; hmmm). If you are an expert, then please continue to write your 500 word articles to those who will listen to your skew and B.S. I can only pray for your enlightenment and awareness to the truth of God’s word and not the skew of man’s religious leaders.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Doctrines in Christianity

For the past week I have been in some heated debates with evangelicals who simply refuse to acknowledge the facts about the Bible as it stands today. From the mindset of examining the correct translations to the use of idioms the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater when it comes to challenging the “Word Of God.” It doesn’t seem to matter that man has translated and attributed meanings to the “Word.” The only thing that seems to matter is what was taught by a religious leader and their interpretation of the “Word.” I have never encountered such closed minds as I have when it comes to evangelical interpretations of God’s word. What amazes me is that most of these evangelicals are among the 256 sects of Protestantism. Protestants are those who follow the doctrines of sola scriptura and sola fide. Sola scriptura maintains that the Bible is the final source of authority for Christians; in other words Literary Authoritarianism. Sola Fide maintains that faith and not works is what is necessary for salvation; in other words the gospel according to Paul. Since Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the All Saints Catholic Church on October 31, 1517, the Protestant Reformation has re-translated and imposed doctrine much similar to the Roman Catholics. In fact, let’s consider the source of these doctrines from a man that thought that homes of the Jews' should be destroyed, their synagogues should be burned, their money confiscated, and their liberty curtailed. These opinions were revitalized by the Nazis during WWII. Didn’t Jesus say that the Kingdom of Heaven was for both Jews and Gentiles?

Since the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D. the Catholic church has embraced the Gospel of John as the definitive source of their belief. The two major opponents in the Council of Nicaea were the Gospel of Mark which refers to Jesus as the “Son of Man” and the Gospel of John which refers to Jesus as the “Son of God.” The two predominant schools of thought were the Antiochene and the Alexandrian. The adoptions of this council were as follows: We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; By whom all things were made [both in heaven and on earth]; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost. Those that didn’t adopt this creed were excommunicated. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses were disputing the authority of the Roman Catholic Church to interpret the Bible; yet the Protestants whip their own game similar to the Catholics. Christianity has gone through many changes since the death of Christ and many have argued, maligned and killed others in the name of Christ and God. Why? Didn’t Jesus teach peace and to love your neighbor as yourself?

Yet, just get the average evangelical to think his way through the Word and come to know the spirit of the law and you are in for a long night. I am not saying this about all evangelicals; just the ones I have recently spoken with about Bible interpretation. The conditioning of many protestant churches has their constituency focused on what they believe and how they interpret the word. Just because we might not interpret the word the same as others doesn’t mean that the baby should be thrown out with the bathwater. Some Christians believe that there is no difference between homosexuality and murder because they are both sins. Depriving someone of their life is much worse than loving another individual; no matter whether that relationship is homosexual or heterosexual. God is a God of love and He loves His most prized creation; us!!! Stop judging others and stop thinking that it is your job to dispense punishment to those whom you perceive as sinners or wicked. Remember, Jesus sat down and ate with sinners and Paul said not to do that. Who are you going to follow?

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Paul: Apostle or Apostate?

I was surprised that I hadn’t received more comments on my previous article. Especially when I attack the Apostle Paul. Paul is the fundamental follower that the Religious Right quotes when it comes to justifying their judgment of others. One reader made several comments to my article and I would like to address them here. First, in regard to the differing beliefs from Jesus, the reader wanted me to list a few. Well, here they are:

Jesus prohibited public prayer and public displays of worship (Matt. 6:1-18). Paul organized churches and started the “religion” of Christianity. His letters (epistles) were more to maintain control and to make standards for the church. Most of these were not based on the teachings of Jesus, but on his own beliefs. The apostles were horrified when Jesus sat and ate dinner with Matthew, the tax collector. Jesus made it a point to sit down with sinners and the downtrodden. Paul states in 1st Corinthians 5:11 "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." This is in direct contradiction to the behavior of Jesus. Jesus fed the poor and those not capable of working. He said that if someone comes knocking at our door and we turn them away we are turning him away. Yet Paul says in 2nd Thessalonians 3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." Where is Paul’s charity for the poor?

In Ephesians 6:5 and Titus 2:9-10 Paul says to the slaves to “obey their masters” and never condemns the ownership of man over man. The reader asks why we should care about what Thomas Jefferson said. Jefferson was a slave owner and still recognized the folly of Paul’s words and how they undermined what Jesus had said. Go ahead my friend, defend Paul over Jesus and reap the rewards you so justly deserve! Paul didn’t believe in equality for women and that they should be submissive to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24 and Colossians 3:18-19). Oh, that’s right; it’s a man’s world for the Religious Right. Finally, the only thing about homosexuals in the New Testament is Paul’s account in Romans 1:26-27. Please take note: JESUS DID NOT SAY THIS!!! PAUL DID! Yet, church after church, preacher after preacher, believer after believer quotes this passage to JUDGE a group of people who only want their God given right to love another human being and to not be trampled upon by those who are “HOLIER THAN THOU.” Listen up Pat Robertson! How dare any of you judge another human being! Like in the account of the adulteress whom the crowd wanted to stone, Jesus said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” (John 8:7). Drop your stones my friend and start acting like Jesus wanted you to act! Paul asserts that the Law of Moses is no longer operational in his writings EXCEPT when it comes to the passage in Leviticus 18:22! It sounds like Paul didn’t respect women, slaves and homosexuals. Perhaps they didn’t fit into his idol picture of the followers of Christ. This is the man who stated so eloquently, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). Then why didn’t you embrace what Jesus did and stop preaching what you “thought” he would say?

The reader further states to me, “You cherry pick Jesus' words, I say. Of course Jesus was not opposed to judgment. He opposed hypocritical judgment, not prudent judgment. John 7:24 says "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment." And who determines what is right judgment? Man? As with all verses in the Bible, they can be taken out of context. Preachers and theologians have been doing this century after century. In reference to this verse and the previous verse I respond with what Jesus said; “The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). No one has the right to judge another! Pluck the beam out of your own eye before criticizing the mote in another. Love is love. That’s what Jesus taught. Judgment is judgment; no matter what form or excuse you can make. Can you see this? If not, then I can only pray for your salvation. I read what Jesus said and I listen to the spirit of the law behind it. Don’t judge others based on your standards. Live and let live; or should I say live and let God. If there truly is a problem based on what Paul has said about anything, then who appointed you judge and jury? It is not your cross to bear. Why do you choose to bear it?

Jesus’ behavior and actions are the ones we should emulate. He is our role model. Stop listening to “Holier Than Thous” who misinterpret the word. Don’t just read the Bible and not take into account the translations, idioms and proclamations made by those in robes with pomp and circumstance and their extended reach on the radio, TV and Internet. I have one question for you; did Jesus act that way?

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Pat Robertson – Spokesperson for God or Today’s Paul?

This week I’m beginning an analysis of the evangelical wing of spirituality. Let’s examine one of its biggest representatives and spokespersons today: Pat Robertson. I have watched the 700 Club from time to time and I appreciate the intent to help and alleviate suffering that CBN and Robertson practice on a day to day basis. Pat Robertson operates Operation Blessing International, which has provided hunger relief, disaster relief, medical aid and community development to more than 192.8 million people in 96 countries and all 50 states, providing goods and services valued at more than $1.2 billion (Source: Wikipedia). God bless this man and his family for their love and kindness to humanity. However, I must take pause with Pat Robertson about his self-appointed elevation to being a spokesperson for God; in effect, becoming a modern day Paul.

I recently saw an interview with Pat Robertson where he said that homosexuals were “on their way to Hell; you’ve got to love them to rescue them.” How DARE he! As with many other preachers since the birth of Christianity they misinterpret the written word based upon their understanding of what it means. I have coined the term, Literary Authoritarianism for those who follow the written word alone, without deep introspection into the spirit of the law of God. Jesus said, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:8-9). Personally, I am a Read the Red guy. This is a term that applies to those who read what Jesus has said in red-letter editions of the Bible. I follow what was uttered from the mouth of Jesus after I have compared what he said paralleled in the four gospels. I also apply what idioms were used during the time of Jesus’ life. What is an idiom? An idiom is an expression whose meaning is not the literal meaning. For example, the saying “It’s in the bag.” Does it mean that something is literally in a bag? No; it means that something is definitely going to happen. All cultures have geographic and language specific idioms and one must know the meanings before one can embrace the message being imparted.

A good translator of the French language listens to the words and visualizes the thoughts, ideas and idioms that are being said and then translates those thoughts into the words of the translated language. They don’t translate the meaning word for word because it might not be the same thoughts. The books in the Bible were written down with geographic and language specific meanings; they were recopied and canonized by the Catholic church; their misinterpreted meanings have been the source of wars, pilgrimages and acts of atrocities all by people who misunderstood their real meanings. Is this what Jesus had intended? Hardly. He preached a message of love and forgiveness; not judgment. Jesus said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). Pat Robertson obviously has missed this one. In fact, check out his off camera chatter here. In his quest to help he has forgotten that you do not enforce what YOU believe on someone else. For example, I do not believe in abortion unless the health of the child or mother is at risk. I am a man and I don’t have woman’s body. How can I choose for someone else? The same applies to homosexuality. For myself, I am a heterosexual. That is my choice. Homosexuality is not for me. But what right do I have to judge another for the choices that they make? None. I am responsible only for the choices I make in my life. I have no right to judge others or I will be judged myself. Jesus made this crystal clear.

Not once did Jesus mention homosexuality or abortion. In fact, he embraced those who were outcasts of their society or practiced alternative lifestyles. Those who were looked down upon by the mainstream population or status quo. Jesus stated in Matthew 25 that being saved is expressing universal compassion and those who don’t express compassion and judge others are not saved. Where does that put you Mr. Robertson? Click the above video to view his compassion. In following Christ Mother Theresa sought out to help others and not condemn them. Victor Frankl noted the deep compassion of the Jews in concentration camps and according to the Apostle Paul, because they didn’t confess Jesus as their savior, they were going to Hell. What? A converted Jew that would sentence his brothers and sisters to Hell! And what about Paul? Who was he anyway? Paul was originally known as Saul of Tarsus; a persecutor of Christians until his “conversion” to Christianity. Paul was astute in his knowledge of the law. But did he use his knowledge of the law to enlighten the followers of Jesus or lead them astray? Paul was a devout and mysterious character to say the least. His influence on Christianity is profound. In his writings he espouses many of his own beliefs and not necessarily what Jesus said. In fact, Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “Paul was…the first corruptor of the doctrines of Jesus” (Works, 1829 edition, Vol. 4, p. 327). Who do we believe? Paul or Jesus? Pat Robertson or Jesus? Since I am a Read the Red guy I know who I am going to believe. More to come…

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