Monday, June 1, 2009


In a past article (Needs, Wants, Desires and Expectations; April 16, 2009), I described how an understanding and application of your emotional levels can help you bring about desired results. In my Mastermind Group, I have had several people tell me that they just don’t get the Law of Attraction. They are trying to apply its principles, but they aren’t getting the results they seek. After careful examination of their questions and descriptions of their behavior, I have come to the following conclusions:

It’s not very difficult for most people to understand what their needs are. Sometimes it’s difficult for people to differentiate between their needs and wants. A want is something that you perceive you need to feel happy, but it is not a need. A need is something that you require to sustain your life. That new car you want isn’t very important if you can’t breathe. Desires are wants that align with who you really are. You have an inner sense of excitation when you desire something. Your emotions well up and your focus is like a laser beam. Most people move up and down on this emotional scale but very few make the leap of faith to get to the realm of expectation. Receiving the manifestation of a desire just once gives you the emotional feedback you need to get to the realm of expectation.

The chasm between desire and expectation is vast and few make the jump. Waking up every day and expecting the day to go in your favor in order to manifest your desires takes focus, dedication and faith. Sometimes the tasks of the day seem enormous and most people either just deal with it or run from it. However, if you break down your day into manageable “chunks”, it can appear to be more palatable. I call it the “CAT”. The CAT stands for “Chip Away Theory.” This is a theory I have applied every day of my life and it works for me, as well as many others. Instead of tackling an entire situation, like generating your innermost desires, master it one “chunk” at a time. You can divide each and every day of your life into chunks. Your morning routine is a chunk. Your drive to work is a chunk. Each chunk can be maximized by proclaiming your intention to do your best. If you set an intention to do your best and you don’t, don’t feel guilty or that you cannot do your best and give up. You simply did not use the right approach. Go back to the drawing board and try another approach. When you successfully manifest your intentions, use the joyful emotion that you experience to springboard you into the realm of expectation. Traverse that deep chasm with focus, dedication and faith. It takes courage to expect the best results in your life every day. Stop listening to your friends, family and the media about how life is. Choose to make your life better and develop a plan to get there!

For example, if you spent an hour a day relaxing, visualizing and expecting the results you desire, the universe begins to operate “the big clock” in your favor. If you invest time in self-edification, expectation of positive and uplifting results becomes easy. If you invest your time in nay-saying, complaining about why things are happening the way they are for you now or just asking ”Why me?,” then the universe will respond according to the Law of Attraction with more circumstances to support your lack of faith in the expectation of the fulfillment of your desires. So what if you take the leap of faith and land in a cow patty? You get yourself up, brush of the dust and do and move in a positive direction. Jesus said that those who pray and seek the attention of men already have their reward. The reward for people who pray and worship in silence is directly from God. God sees you as a brilliant and beautiful creation that has the power to create anything in life. Choose to use that power to create beauty by investing in YOU every day. Chip away at the monolithic task of bettering yourself and in almost no time at all, you will begin to see the results of your desires and expect them to continue to come your way each and every day of your life. Live blessed!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

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