Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Foot in mouth syndrome

I must say the past year has been very entertaining. As countries in the world are becoming more and more aware of being a part of the global community, there are still some separatists that operate with impunity spewing hatred and vitriol. None is more popular and moronic as Glenn Beck. Each night he consistently puts his foot in his mouth with unresearched “facts” and “suppositions” that have bubbled up in his ADHD mind. His paranoia and lack of sound judgment has gone beyond being funny. He has managed to feed a base of people who vicariously release their inner frustrations through this man’s nightly dance.

It seems that poor judgment and lack of education is the hallmark of this base. Even David Frum, W’s former economic speechwriter, says “People become less Republican as they become better educated.” Hmmm. It seems that this base needs to sign up at the local community college to learn about Political Science, Philosophy and History. Something that seems to be remiss in their diatribe. Even when Jay Leno asked a recent college graduate where the pilgrims landed they responded “Buick Rock.” ??? It’s not just the lack of education it’s the lack of focus. Too much information and too many distractions can cause confusion and instability. Something that GB lives and counts on.

My question to the spiritual people out there is this: Does the behavior of Glenn Beck, in any way, emulate the behavior of Jesus? Hardly. His conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism removed some of his earlier self-imposed restrictions and gave him the strength of the periphery that drives him nightly. If you ask any theologian worth his salt, he will tell you that Mormonism is based on a “vision”, or should we say “delusion” of Joseph Smith. If you spend some time at the library you will find the history about this man and it isn’t very pretty. Like Martin Luther, Joseph Smith was a man with his own agenda. If you follow any man and his teachings that separates and segregates you from your fellow man, that should be a red flag to you that something is wrong. Jesus ate with “sinners.” He associated with the down trodden and the lesser people in his society. He rejected people like Glenn Beck (the Pharisees) and embraced the blind and sick. Yet, many quote the Bible in defense of GB. What a joke! His behavior is the fruit that he bears and that should be enough for anyone with half a brain to discern that his message is one of fear and incitement.

His take on the school children singing about Obama was answered quickly with a video of the same thing happening with George W. Bush. He wasn’t aware of that, according to his team, or was he? If he wasn’t, then he simply is a moron. If he was, then he is the worst form of manipulator and he will surely reap what he has sown. The bottom line is that he doesn’t care what fear and vitriol he spews; he is only concerned about himself and his family. If he was sincere, then why didn’t he show up at his own 9/12 rally? You see, the facts are right in your face. If you choose not to believe them, you must deal with the consequences. May God have mercy on your soul if you continue to believe such a liar.

The message that Jesus taught was simple. Love God and love your neighbor. Is this what Glenn Beck does every night? Hardly. Make the time to edify yourself and study about the truth. Go to the library and research the facts and don’t believe in the skewed opinions of delusional people. They will lead you down the road to fear, loss and a felling of lack and depression. The universe that Gods has created is boundless and abundant. Through faith in God and diligent research you can come to an understanding of the fact that we are all children of God. We are His most prized creation. He created us with a mouth to speak and feet to walk and run. Don’t end up living your life with foot in mouth syndrome. Check out the facts, make the time to educate yourself, and stop listening to morons who don’t give a damn about you or your families. Grab the reigns and take charge of your life. May God bless you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Foolbook: Should stupidity be killed?

Recently, a Facebook poll asked respondents "Should Obama be killed?" The choices were “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.” As with any forum that allows people the freedom to operate under an unwritten moral code, there are sometimes going to be people who display moronic behavior and make stupid and treasonous choices. Such is the case here and the Secret Service will undoubtedly find this person and bring them to justice. The question is, “what was going through their mind when posting this poll? Was it an innocent question? Hardly. Was it a sincere quest for knowledge? Don’t think so. Or, was it meant to incite an unstable base into action? Now we’re getting warm. Ultimately, we don’t know what was going on in the mind of such an individual, but as Jesus demonstrated with the fig tree, we will know them by the fruit they bear. I nominate this person for the new site “Foolbook.” Their blatant form of stupidity should be rewarded with humiliation and serious jail time. Time to reflect on their aberrant behavior and the responsibility associated with access to swaying public opinion.

Every day my fiancĂ© and I comment to each other about the lack of focus, respect for adults and common stupidity associated with younger people we encounter. Is it that the schools have failed them? Has the government failed them? Have the failed themselves? Or, is that we, as parents and grandparents have failed to raise them with discipline and compassion? Have we ignored them and relegated their learning to electronic babysitters? Only each one of us truly knows our individual experiences in regard to the raising of our children. Is this current younger generation totally remiss in an understanding of common sense and reason, or are they simply just trying to come to grips with information overload and a daily battle in handling it. Generally, schools haven’t adequately prepared people for college or life. They teach information and ways to obtain knowledge, but fail to give students techniques in developing wisdom. Understanding is the key in converting information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom. But how does one develop understanding? Through experience? Through impartation? Through osmosis? Understanding comes from a willingness to learn and a diligent search for the truth.

A fool is generally a stupid person who lacks the ability to exercise common sense and effective judgment based on the facts. As I have said many times in my articles, “Who is more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?” Yesterday my fiancĂ© and I drove by Route 202 and Route 1 in Concordville, PA. and saw three younger people on one corner with anti-Obama health care placards and one older gentleman with an anti-abortion placard on the opposite corner. My only thought was for them to get a life. I admired their strength and belief in themselves to stand there in the rain and wave their beliefs to the passersby, but ultimately, what they were saying was NOT based on fact but on the skew and spin of their heroes and/or parties. Not to mention the fact that someone driving by might have paid too much attention to the arm waving and reading of the signs that it might have caused an accident. I know; it was just less than a mile from this spot where a drunk hit and run driver hit me last May.

My vote is that we kill stupidity. Let’s all make a concerted effort to examine the FACTS and not blindly believe the OPINIONS of others who have an agenda that we might not be aware of. Let’s make the time every day to investigate the truth and pro-act the results. Let’s move away from reacting to the opinions of others and act on the solutions that we can all help each other attain. Be willing to learn the truth and take the diligent steps to acquire it. All of us will benefit from the truth and we will not be fooled by the opinions of those who try to use us for manifesting their agendas.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Right wing Obamanation: worthy to read, but not believe

Well, here goes the right wing cries again. Using tidbits to reinforce and obviously weak and loser position, it is interesting that some right wingers uncover one video utilizing “Hussein” and emphasize it in the title of their agenda setting beliefs. Since I am forbidden to make any references to who this is, I will just respond in kind to the obvious agenda setting taking place. This article is in reference to the article here. Following is my OPINION based on the “facts” contained in the article; not an OPINION based on an OPINION as derived from someone else’s “research”:

My retort to Paragraph 2: In reference to Keith Olbermann, he would have said something about W.; after all, his team of researchers scours out the facts and not opinions like Glenn Beck “researchers” do night after night. I am called a “Leftist”, just like the writer infers the term I have used (Racist). And I am accused of being a name caller? As for Joe Scarborough, isn’t he a Republican? Or did the writer forget to check that one out? There he goes again. Is the writer the source for determining what he calls bad behavior? As for hypocrisy, the writer takes the cake. Some people swallow whatever someone says hook, line and sinker. Well, hopefully the writer will get over it before he influences too many people and steers them down the path to hell. It’s amazing what some people do when they are afraid of the facts!

My retort to Paragraph 3: If anyone knows brainwashing it’s those who are out to set an agenda. Some writers present their illogical arguments based on right wing religious hooey and package it in a palatable form for morons who don’t have the inclination to investigate their erroneous claims. This writer take stabs at me for my “leftist” position and cries foul when I call him and his commenters “racists”. This is the worst form of hypocrisy because they can’t smell their own stench. As for earning the respect, Obama has. Who the hell does the writer think he is to be the determiner of what constitutes earning respect? After all, his discovery of the Word has led him down a path of misinterpretation and false support for views he has only recently learned. Compare that to a lifetime of research and living the word. There is no comparison. Yet he poses the question and puts it in the laps of his readers with a pronounced skew in his presentation. Again, trying to manipulate the outcome

My retort to Paragraph 4: Subtly presenting his “character” skew and using children to gain access to his readers’ soft spots, the writer demonstrates he is the worst form of manipulator. And Obama is correct for apologizing for America. Republican war policies and reprehensible behavior toward the global community is based on lies and manipulation. Has the writer forgotten about Iraq, Afghanistan and torture perpetrated by Bush and Cheney? Conveniently not for his argument.

My retort to Paragraph 5: Mind control tactics are this writer’s obvious weapons. Presenting a skewed video to back up his obviously weak position adds icing to the cake. His methodology is to take the available and skew it to fit his right wing Republican religious agenda. Seek enlightenment, sir, and the understanding that Christ provides and your cloak of right wing righteousness will fall to ground where it belongs.

As for his commenter who wants Jesus back in the schools, what makes her think that this country is just Judeo-Christian? If you want religions in school than why not all of them? We could all learn temperance and tolerance for others by embracing all forms of belief and not judging each other. Something modern day Christians use as a flag to wave. Why not wave a flag of respect and unity instead of maliciousness and derision? If you want a more poignant version of this article then click

As always, your comments and conclusions are welcomed. As I have stated in a previous article, I no longer read them, but you are welcome to debate my position amongst yourselves. May God bless all of you, whether you agree with me or not.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Republican Rhetoric Revealed: What the Beck?

It’s tough being a Republican watchdog. Every day new spiritually professed alliterations are spewed on the American public under the guise of what’s good for America. But what NEW ideas do the Republicans have to offer? None. Since their hero Raygun and his trickle-down policies, deregulation has caused the financial problems we are currently facing now. They keep trying to re-package the same old rhetoric and perpetrate it on the American public. The definition of insanity is to keep trying to do something the same way and expecting different results. Their obvious delay tactics in Congress are more ego centered than God centered and people centered.

Since most of the Republican representatives (and some Democrats) receive “campaign” donations and “incentives” from corporations, it is no wonder that they do whatever they can to stop health care reform. Looking out for number one. Why isn’t anybody complaining about the obvious crookedness of lobbying and buying off our representatives? This, in itself, should be illegal. It reminds me of the Catholic Church’s alignment with various governmental leaders over the course of history and the way they “suggested” certain actions that benefitted their church.

A person who is an expert at rhetoric uses exaggeration as their tool to convince others of their viewpoint. In my writings I have been accused of using rhetoric simply because my viewpoint was drastically different from that of the accusers. That, in itself, does NOT constitute rhetoric. I call it as I see it. As I have said many times, truth is relative. We all observe facts differently and arrive at different evaluations and ultimately, different judgments. If we base our evaluations and judgments on FACTS and not OPINIONS, we stand a better chance of offering a convincing argument. We all see the ‘truth” differently and reveal it in our own way. Some people have misinterpreted what I have said in my articles as putting down other people’s truths. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Only an opinion-educated mind and rhetoric addict would make that conclusion. You know who you are.

I have discovered a fantastic site that helps bring clarity to the cesspool of Republican Rhetoric. It removes the purported “spiritual” connection to their backwards policies and reveals their rhetoric in the true light of REALITY. It is Led by Kerry Martin and his team of writers, they expose Republican Right Wing Rhetoric right out of the heart of Texas yahoo country. What guts! To speak the truth from the source of the RW stench (Bush Country) and backwards thinking makes their truths even more palatable. Kerry and his fellow writers are dedicated to researching facts, watching and listening to what politicians actually say and watch dogging censorship. If you want to sift through the layers of RW B.S. this is the place to go.

I sure hope they address Mr. Beck. After Beck’s fiasco if misreading the Constitution and its fees for slavery, the people in the town of Mt. Vernon, Washington (where Beck was born) have signed a petition to stop the Mayor from giving Beck the key to the city. The mayor has refused and in so doing has secured not being elected next term. I say, why not give Beck the key to the city. Perhaps he can use it to unlock the truth instead of promulgating his ADHD rhetoric and rantings on the American public. One thing I can say about Mr. Beck, he has modeled his approach after Howard Stern. When listeners were asked why they listened to Howard Stern they replied, “We listen because we don’t know what he is going to say next.” This came from both people who liked him and hated him. This type of appeal is based on sensationalism. Ordinary people seeking extraordinary events by vicarious participation. Exactly the goal of Republican Right Wing Rhetoric. I think Wii outta pay attention! If they sold a Republican Right Wing Rhetoric game they would make a fortune!
For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What if the Bible didn’t exist? (Part 1)

Recently, I conducted an interview with Dr. Witless Blather from D.C. Dr. Blather is well-known for his horrendous lack of talent and insight concerning the Bible. Following is a transcript of this interview:

DAB: Good Morning, Dr. Blather. You have been accused of not making any sense about Biblical prophecy, an inability to make a cogent argument and a complete arrogance about your opinion. Yet you claim to be a voice of reason concerning Biblical interpretation. What do you have to say about these judgments?

DWB: I have read the Bible many times and I study it much deeper than most. My arguments are based on the facts in the Bible and yes, I can get arrogant over my opinion. Thank you for the compliment.

DAB: I have a question I have asked several people lately and I wish to ask this question of you. What if the Bible didn’t exist?

DWB: Interesting question. I suppose that many people in this world would be lost. They wouldn’t have anything to base their lives on and the world would decay into chaos.

DAB: Why?

DWB: There would be no testament to the lives of the Biblical heroes and we would have no way to measure our lives against them. We would have to rely on other historical documents that don’t take into account the message that the Bible conveys.

DAB: And what message would that be?

DWB: That Jesus Christ is Lord.

DAB: Is that the only message the Bible conveys?

DWB: No, it conveys the lives, situations and problems that the Biblical heroes overcame by trusting in God.

DAB: I would like to ask you about particular aspects of the Bible. The Bible had originally been communicated mouth to mouth and then written down by man. It survived several translations that didn’t take geographic idioms, language nuances and agenda settings into account. How do respond to that?

DWB: That’s true. However, the Bible’s message is defined by Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. Basically, the Bible in its entirety is directly from the mouth of God and that one attains eternal life through faith in God and not by one’s works. It is indisputable.

DAB: Why is it indisputable?

DWB: Because of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. No one has the right to dispute the holy word of God.

DAB: Says who?

DWB: God.

DAB: But man wrote down the supposed word of God. Don’t you take into account that man is notorious for amending concepts and ideas to suit his needs?

DWB: Yes, man did write down the word of God but God inspired him to write it down. Yes, I suppose it is possible for anyone who received inspiration from God to change its message, but the message has survived for several millennia.

DAB: Who decided that Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide were valid?

DWB: Martin Luther came to the awareness that the interpretation of the individual believer, and not the Catholic Church, was the only true religious authority. This was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. He also said that one who appears to have faith and does not do good works never had faith at all!

DAB: That appears to be a circular argument. Wasn’t Martin Luther a person that hated the Jews for killing Christ? This seems contradictory to the message that Jesus taught.

DWB: Yes, he believed that the Jews should be relegated to having their properties and assets seized and should be treated as the least in the community. This was taken to the extreme by the Nazis.

DAB: So, let’s get this straight. Many Protestants believe two doctrines that were originated by a man with hatred in his heart; a man who decided that the Bible is the sole authority of God’s word and that faith in God is the sole way to eternal life. Something doesn’t seem right here. More to come…

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What’s your favorite whine?

All of us have something that happens every day that we don’t like. We might not like the way someone looked or reacted to us, the politics or religion of someone else or the results we have obtained at the end of the day. We have choices in regards to whether we react, do nothing or pro-act. If we react, we either run away from the problem or we attack it head on. If we do nothing, we either give ourselves the time necessary to evaluate or we tread water. If we pro-act, we evaluate the situation and find the best solution to the problem that is beneficial for everyone. Reaction comes in many forms. If we are the type of person who is aggressive we might choose immediately to fight a particular viewpoint or circumstance. If we are more passive, we might choose to remove ourselves from a person whose viewpoint we feel is erroneous. Doing nothing allows us the time to evaluate a situation and delay the necessary action we eventually need to take. For example, making the time for effective research about a particular subject to learn the FACTS and not just the OPINIONS of others. However, if we tread water long enough our spiritual “arms” and “legs” become tired. Procrastination in making an evaluation and delivering the subsequent actions can cause internal stress and physical maladies. Pro-acting affords us the best solution in that we take the time to evaluate a situation and not judge those involved in the situation.

Facts are observed or sensed things that actually exist or that have happened in the real world. Opinions are personal views, beliefs or judgments that provide certainty in conclusions for an individual as a result of observing facts. A person’s perspective and pre-conceived notions have a great deal to do with how they will arrive at their opinions. If they are at all confused about their opinions of the facts, they might procrastinate making a decision either hoping to achieve more clarity about the situation, or wishing that it would just go away. The latter is definitely fooling oneself. Situations and problems occur in our lives in order for us to grow and expand. It challenges our comfort zone and affords an opportunity for us to gain a greater perspective.

Evaluation of the facts requires us to utilize our senses in an organized fashion in order to see the balanced picture. In other words, a snapshot of reality. Judgment involves us to take the evaluations we have perceived and to create an opinion. Only through judgment can we see the validity or invalidity of the facts as we perceive them. If you feel powerless to act on your judgments you might retreat into your inner sanctum or start to whine about how things are. Whiners cry loud enough to force their opinions on those who don’t agree and seek those who agree with them in order to validate their opinions. Whining comes from uneasiness, discontentment and self-pity. In other words, a loser mentality.

What is your favorite whine? Is it because you think that our government is turning socialist and your opinion is based on others’ opinions and not the facts? Is it because you are lily white and you cannot take the fact that an African-American is president? Is it because you have read the Bible and it tells you we are coming to the end times and we need to be ready? Or is it because you just didn’t get your way? Was your ego so dominant that you couldn’t handle the FACT that most of the people in this country are tired of wars, hunger and corporate lies about health care reform and they want a positive change? It isn’t all about you, ya know. It’s about all of us. To the whiners out there, quit your whining. If you feel we need to go in a different direction then present a plan that involves incentives for people MORE than for corporate rape. Be a part of the solution instead of whining about it. Stop listening to morons who make up “facts” and see conspiracies in just about everything. Use the brain God has given you and be a part of the solution and not part of the problem.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Glenn Beck’s day of atonement

Yom Kippur. The most important of Jewish holidays with emphasis on repentance and atonement for one’s sins against man and God. Fasting begins the night before (sundown is the beginning of the Jewish day) and carries on for a 25 hour period (September 27, 2009). After God determines the fate of each person for the coming year on Rosh Hashanah (last Friday, September 18, 2009), He seals his decision on Yom Kippur. As you can imagine, a most holy day for practicing Jews. No to be undone, Loose Lips Beck decided, in his miniscule brain, that he would declare a day of fasting and atonement for our country. Declaring the 9/12 March a must do he didn’t even show up at the event. He must have missed his dose of Prozac and Aderral for his ADHD condition. His neurons began firing at such a rapid rate that he must have felt the guilt for blatantly lying to the American people and felt that he needed to atone. But hey, why not make everyone atone and get great press in the process. What a sensationalist! Even Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe, says that Glenn Beck’s statements about race are generating hate amongst us and the Republicans need to distance themselves from him as fast as they can. Mike Barnicle of Morning Joe said GB is heading downward fast! Cut him loose!

So, let’s give GB the benefit of the doubt. He feels that he needs to help people understand what is truly going on. That, in itself, is admirable. I can imagine what he feels after lifting himself out of alcoholism and trying to manage his time with other activities. Activities that make him a great deal of money. But at what expense? As Keith Olbermann and now Joe Scarborough have said, that if GB incites his unstable followers to do anything, he is ultimately responsible. Wouldn’t therapy be a better outlet than inciting an unstable base to do things like camp out with cameras and automatic weapons at as military base and look for FEMA camps? Oh, I guess not. Just like Rupert Murdoch would say, “Argh.” Enough is enough people. When will you begin really looking at the issues and stop listening to sensationalists and morons! In Beck’s case, he has brought a new definition to the term moron.

Megalomaniac- obsessed with doing extravagant things and marked by delusions of greatness.

Ostentatious- tendencies to pretentious and conspicuous displays to impress others.

Reprehensible- all too deserving of rebuke and blame.

Oligarchous- or should we say OLIGARHY? A form of government where the dominant clique rules (Fixed Noise’s unfair and unbiased view of the news? LOL!)

Numbskull- a stupid person; a person who knows better but still insists that he’s right when he knows he isn’t.

Basically a moron who is a person who lacks good judgment. One who clearly sees the fact that if he takes the step forward the rake will hit him in the face? He knows this, but takes the step anyway. Boy that accurately describes Mr. Beck. Don’t you think it’s about time for Mr. Beck to atone for HIS sins? How dare he interrupt a high holy day of the Jews for his own agenda! Is it because he is a Mormon and there is an inherent lack of respect for the Jews within that church? Is it because he down deep inside wants to atone for his lies that he nightly perpetrates on the uninformed? Is it the medication or lack thereof that fires his neurons in a convoluted manner? Or is it the fact that he sees the rake and steps on it anyway? You decide. Pray for the enlightenment of GB and maybe, just maybe, God will answer our prayers.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pre-conceived notions

As Victor Hugo once said, “Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. “ Mr. Hugo was a great 19th century French poet, novelist and playwright whose works were incorporated by such greats as Verdi. Exposed to a variety of experiences he spoke about the qualities of life from a unique perspective (his father was a general under Napoleon). From success as a writer to banishment and ultimately public service, he maintained a decorum of steadfastness. His crowning work, Les MisĂ©rables (1862) speaks about the poor and social injustice. He was a human rights activist and a staunch believer in Republicanism. Through his writings a deep understanding is apparent about people and their pre-conceived notions. A pre-conceived notion is an opinion formed prior to an event or experiment without adequate evidence to back it up. It is what science calls tainting the experiment.

Courage is the a quality of your spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing any fear. He suggests that we have courage when we face the great sorrows of life and to have patience for the lesser sorrows. Patience is a good-natured tolerance of the delays in life or the incompetence of someone’s behavior. In other words, not reacting with anger and fear but with confidence and strength. Every day we all have our various chores to do. We go to work, we maintain our homes and we raise our children. Hopefully we make the time for personal edification on our journey through life. At the end of our day Mr. Hugo tells us to go to sleep in peace; confident in the wisdom that God is awake and minding the store. Do you believe that God is alive and awake? Have you felt His presence within you lately? Do you feel the loss or pain that other human beings feel due to their circumstances? Or do you just whisk your way by and look at them with disdain?

We are all living and breathing creatures that exist in a world of interdependence. We need each other to build a society where the understanding of the lesser of us is just as valid as the greater. All people should have access to education, health care and a level playing field. We are all created equal. We lose our equality when we don’t diligently strive to be the best we can be. Opportunities for all create a level playing field. When prejudice and cronyism rear their ugly heads segregation creeps in. No one has the right to make their decisions about the playing field based on race, religion, creed or national origin. But yet, every day we see the results of such prejudices disguised as issues. In order to see the truth you have to see into the hearts of people. How do you do this? It’s simple. What fruits do they bear? Are they surrounded by lack and limitation? Are they a loner or do they have great friends? Do they give of themselves to others or do they hoard for themselves? Just as Jesus cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruit, we should remove ourselves from those who don’t bear fruit. We need to have courage in dealing with people who only look out for themselves. We need to have patience with those who quietly support them or those who can’t make up their minds.

We must end our day in peace and let go of any pre-conceived notions we have accumulated during the course of the day. These notions become our reality when we think about them often and develop a belief that they are real. Let go of these notions and go to sleep in peace, knowing that God is awake within you and outside of you as well. Trust in Him to guide and direct your life to become the best that you can be. As the saying goes, “It’s all good.” Release the burdens of the day knowing that God is operating in your life whether you feel it or not. God is awake!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Fire it up; are you ready?

President Barack Obama delivered one of his best speeches yesterday at the University of Maryland. He told a story of how an elderly lady kept repeating the title of this story until he felt fired up. Early in his run for the presidency, he promised a South Carolina state representative that he would visit her hometown of Greenwood. When he arrived to give the speech at Greenwood, SC, he was tired from the campaign trail. But this lady kept on repeating, “Fire it up; are you ready?” It was infectious to him and his campaign staff. Sometimes when you are tired and weary someone steps up to the plate and motivates you. In my case, it has been the many readers who have supported my position concerning the lies and manipulations of the right wing base. This occurred many times during the presidential campaign and even John McCain got to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore when he told the flustered blonde haired lady that Obama was not an Arab and was a decent family man.

All of this form of bashing is nothing more than rhetoric and distraction. If you keep people looking in one direction long enough, they won’t see what is happening elsewhere. When it comes to health care reform what is truly important? Protecting the rights of the insurance companies to gouge us for profits or to help our fellow man? Isn’t that the message that Christ taught? Didn’t he say that if someone knocks on your door and you refuse him that you are refusing Christ? And yet, the right wing base quotes the Bible when they have absolutely NO CLUE as to what it means. They follow fear-mongerers like Glenn Beck who proselytize yahoos with Biblical misinterpretations and rhetoric to support their weak position. These people are the worse form of leaders because they actually believe their own lies. Using bits and pieces of fact they construct an image of fear to support a view that segregates people from their inherent divine heritage. We are all children of God and we are His most prized creation. Anyone who tells you differently is lying and manipulating you at best.

I have been and examiner since April of this year and have published 75 articles. In my discourse, I have tried to emphasize the translations, geographic idioms and language nuances that are associated with the current state of the Bible. At best, what we read is something that has gone through many people at first mouth to mouth and ultimately written down hand to hand. If you believe that everything in the Bible is directly from the mouth of God you are fooling yourself. You are basing your whole life on a book that was constructed to keep the constituency of the various churches in check; to make the priests and ministers middle men between you and God. This I refer to as Literary Authoritarianism.

God is within each and every one of us and we don’t require or need a book or someone else to be one with God. Every day that you express love and compassion for your fellow man you are LIVING God. You are expressing the expansion of the universe. There is one thing that physicists will tell you for sure and that is that this universe is constantly expanding. Conservatism restricts expansion because it believes that the old ways were good enough and that we shouldn’t change them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our constitution was designed to be a dynamic document that would grow as its people grew. Not stagnate with old ways that worked at one point in history but no longer work now.

I posted an article the other day that the editors of the examiner removed. I was taught to respect the wishes of someone else in their home and I will abide by their request of me to no longer attack the position of another examiner. However, I feel compelled to refute what is being taught to what I refer to as an unstable base. Therefore, I have taken my responses to this examiner off of this site and have obtained another piece of virtual real estate to continue my watch dog efforts. If any of my readers or his readers would like to investigate this discourse, then please go here. Yes, I am fired up and yes I am ready. I will not remain tight lipped when I believe many are being misled. Thank you to all of my readers for your support and kind words. I will continue to relay information about Spirituality in this forum and will direct my rebuttals to the other forum. May God bless all of you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wimerwhiners, Part 2

Welcome to the new blog solely dedicated to the opposition of right wing blogger Keith Wimer of I am the Spirituality examiner for and became exposed to Mr. Wimer’s blog during the summer of 09. Mr. Wimer’s bio states the following:”Keith became a follower of the Christian faith in 1996 and since then has carefully read the Bible cover to cover many times. In addition to general Bible study, Keith has perused the texts of other world religions (including the Qur'an) with an emphasis on attainting an understanding of how the topic of "eschatology" -- understood to mean the study of so-called "end times" -- varies therein. Over the past ten years, Keith has read nearly a hundred books presenting various positions on eschatology. Additionally, he has deliberated at length upon such topics as cosmology, evolutionary theory, and Christian apologetics.” In his 13 short years of religious studies he has come to a unique right wing perspective of the universe as a whole. Wow! 13 years. How impressive! Hogwash. This person has manipulated and directed his readership to a space where they have no clue of the truths hidden within the Bible and the Qur'an. When you study anything with a pre-conceived notion, you will always find things that will support your position.

Eschatology is the study of the end times. Throughout human history we have had eschatological theories perpetrated upon believers in order to keep believers in line with a religious group’s beliefs. It is the preaching of fear by fear mongerers. Playing to his right wing base, Mr. Wimer, article after article, supports right wing nuts like Glenn Beck. And no wonder. As I say in the tag line of this blog, “A blog dedicated to refuting the erroneous claims by the right wing blogger and Glenn Beck supporter Keith Wimer. His brand of inciting his unstable base needs to be countered by intelligence and forthright opinion.” After experiencing the wrath of Mr. Wimer’s commenters, I assure you, they are unstable. I have collated their inciteful (misspelling intentional) comments for any reader who would like to view them. Just leave a comment with your email and I will forward them to you. Why? Because we need to see and understand that there are unstable people in this world who will go to any length to assert their position; i.e. going to town halls with handguns. These people are uninformed, blind and self-righteous about their position and listen to morons like Mr. Wimer.

This blog is the result of the whining of Mr. Wimer. After an article I wrote entitled, “Wimerwhiners, Part 1, Mr. Wimer reported me to the Examiner claiming that I was not being professional in my attacks on his ludicrous position. I was informed by the Examiner that it was inappropriate for me to attack another examiner and they refused to re-post my article. They removed the article and I have re-posted it here as Wimerwhiners: Part 1. In this article I list the points where I agree with Mr. Wimer. In fact, the tone of the article is not egregious at all. Yet, it was taken down by the editors of the Examiner. I was taught to respect someone in their house and I replied to my section leader with a notice that I would respect his wishes. However, since Mr. Wimer has gotten away with spewing his vitriol against me with impunity, I have had no choice but to acquire a new piece of virtual real-estate, this blog, in which to refute his erroneous claims. Mr. Wimer’s form of self-righteous indignation is dangerous at best. I would like to thank the Examiner for the professional manner in which they handled the debate between Mr. Wimer and I, however, the fact remains that he has whined and cried at the fact that I caught him in his lies and he can’t take it. I say to him; if you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. I am not the only one who has caught Mr. Wimer in his lies. Please visit Kerry Martin at and read his words. Compare his 13 years of research with my lifetime of living and studying the Word and there is no comparison. Yet, he sits on his self-appointed throne of readership with his court jesters saying yes to his every word without investigating where his word came from. This is the worst form of truth-bating and those who follow it are doomed to a life of ignorance and fate.

Those who preach fear will reap fear. Please, read the fear of his followers as they spew their support for a person who does not completely research his findings; just like his hero Glenn Beck. In article after article he uses Biblical references to support his weak conservative position without any care to the fact that he is inciting and unstable base of people who don’t research the Bible and who blindly take his word for what it means. This is the most dangerous form of posturing and that is why I have created this blog. As time permits, I will examine and respond to his blitherings here in order to challenge and enlighten those who seek the truth and not conservative white-washing. Welcome to a blog where a debate is welcome and censorship is not allowed. Speak you mind whether you agree with me or not. And here you won’t have to worry about Mr. Wimer’s whining. It will NOT influence the outcome of this blog.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wimerwhiners: Part 1

I have been anxiously waiting to begin this series on those commenters who frequent Keith Wimer’s column on Religion & Politics, as well as the refutation of Mr. Wimer’s eschatological conclusions based the Bible, Nostradamus, et. al. Something of this magnitude requires a significant amount of time digging in the dirt, so to speak, but the fruits of my labors will expose the eschatology for the sensationalism that it truly represents; sensationalism based on fear. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. You can anthropomorphize the duck to the Nth degree, but in the light of reality you will see an animal that paddles with its feet and dives for its food.

In his article entitled “Glenn Beck: a chink in the armor” Mr. Wimer asserts that Glenn (Watsamatta U) Beck’s “unflinching promotion of traditional American values” through “incisive and well-researched interviews” makes him “worthy of a degree of admiration.” This is laughable at best since Mr. Beck takes facts and creates conspiracies like speed freaks read FBI marching orders on the oblique in daily newspaper columns. With any set of facts one can read just about any agenda into anything. Glenn Beck is a master at this! Mr. Wimer continues his discourse on John Hagee, the end of days clown who has repeatedly proclaimed the end of the world without success. Keith correctly pins down John Hagee for his “scandalous past” and Glenn Beck for being “responsible for the content of his program.” Whether Beck’s staff “didn’t bother to check the man’s credentials or didn’t find them germane” is my case in point. Jesus said emphatically that “no one will know” the end of days. Since we are “no one”, then it is safe to assume none of us will know.

Mr. Wimer further asserts, correctly, Hagee’s interpretations of current events into signs of the coming apocalypse as “hogwash.” I will go one step further and assert that St. John’s vision of The Revelation of Jesus Christ as being nothing but delusions of a sick and dying man trying to instill fear on those who had persecuted him. What better way to get even with those who were more powerful physically and politically than him; if this were not the case, then why was he hiding out in a cave on the Isle of Patmos in 90 C.E.? Just as I challenge the visions of Joseph Smith of Moses and Jesus I challenge the vision of St. John the Beloved. Science teaches you that if you cannot prove something by re-creating an experiment, then it cannot be accepted as fact; whether written authoritatively or not. Mr. Wimer continues with Biblical assertions made by some Christians which don’t have any basis in the written word. His points are as follows:

  1. “A future uber-evil leader of a one world government (a.k.a. New World Order, a.k.a. "Revived Roman Empire") commonly referred to as the Antichrist. (Nope)

  2. A future seven year tribulation period. (Not to be found)

  3. Nuclear warfare. The battles fought in the Bible, especially the one that is supposed to happen at the climax of human history, Armageddon, are all fought with ancient weaponry, e.g. bows, arrows, swords, men on horseback, etc. hence each has already happened in the PAST!

  4. Israel becoming a nation again, the temple being rebuilt therein, the reinstitution of the sacrificial system, as in animal sacrifices. (The Bible is eerily silent about these matters)

  5. A future seven year tribulation period. (Not to be found)

  6. A multi-stage second (or third) advent of Christ, inaugurated by this made up thing called "the rapture". (Nope, it can’t be found in the Bible either)

  7. Christ reigning from a throne in Jerusalem (Uh, sorry, look as you dare, you won’t find it)

  8. Modern day geopolitical sovereignties such as Russia, China, Iran. (Hello? Simply not there)”

Mr. Wimer’s above points are correct according to my research. However, inferences to #8 are debatable due to some scholars’ assertions that the Tribes of Israel and their descendants are manifested in European, Middle-Eastern and Asiatic countries. As for dispensationalism, God relates to human beings as his most prized creation. His message has been the same since the beginning of our time on this planet; it is how we perceive it that has changed. Mr. Wimer states that “Christianity seems imbecilic to those who don’t already understand its simple straightforward meaning.” I couldn’t agree more. Mr. Wimer focuses his attention on “those who misappropriate the teachings in order to line their own pockets and otherwise muddy the waters for personal reasons.” We agree. So far, so good. Not for long, however. His last statement reflects both John Hagee and Glenn Beck to a tee! More to come…

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You lie! oh yeah, section 246

It is better to remain silent, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. A wise saying that all Wimerwhiners should adhere to. In regards to Congressman Jim-Bob of South Carolina’s blurting out to the President. Not only was this a major faux pas, but one based on NO facts. It takes a simple reading of HR3200, Section 246 to view the language in regard to illegal aliens. Section 246 reads, "NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS. Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States." Why doesn’t Congressman Jim-Bob step up to the plate and admit that he is a racist? This 9/12 March on Washington that claimed over a million people in attendance used Photoshopped photographs to give the “appearance” of more people than were there. It was accurately estimated at 75,000 by the Fire Department. And Glenn Beck states that a university, that he can’t remember the name of (Watsamatta U?), stated 1.7 million. How many people were in attendance at Obama’s Inauguration? About 2 million. What a difference! The placards about “Bury Obamacare with Kennedy” were not only in poor taste, but based on lies and inaccuracies promulgated by racists who won’t accept that an election of a black man took place last November 4th. Sometimes I am embarrassed to be white, and this is one of those times.

The difference is obvious after the election of 2000. George W. Bush became the first duly selected President of the United States. Selected by right wing Supreme Court justices when Al Gore had clearly won. Yet, Al Gore had the sense and loyalty to this country to step aside for the greater good of maintaining order and peace. What are these 9/12 morons doing? Not reading, not listening and most of all, choosing to believe rhetoric and gossip over the facts as they stand. A simple reading would make them aware. But when was the last time that most of these people even read a book? A newspaper? A blog? Well, a group of voiceover artists got together and donated their time to reading the bill into an audio format that these people could listen to it, if they choose not to read it. Will they listen to it? I doubt it. They are so entrenched in their racism and hatred against blacks that their lily white faces are turning redder by the second. Get over yourself and your antiquated beliefs and accept what the majority of the country has chosen. I was not happy when the Supreme Court selected Bush, but I dealt with it. All 8 years of lies, control, domination, manipulation and stepping on of our rights. Especially, the Patriot Act. What an offense to all Americans! Fascism flourished and intelligence diminished.

Then the 9/12er’s counter with, “we are not racists; we don’t want big spending and government takeover!” Well then, where were you when W. and Cheney rode heard over our budget and took a Clinton surplus and converted it into a W. deficit? Nowhere to be found. You were happy that there was a lily white Christian cowboy in the office and no matter what he did you could blindly trust him. Revel in your moronic behavior because you are violating what Jesus had taught all of us. Follow the commandments. Follow the Beatitudes. If you would take the time to read them and embrace what they say, you would then know that the behaviors and loudness of the 9/12er’s come from hate and NOT love. Dispute that one, Wimerwhiners! BTW, the Bible is available on CD audio as well.

Your acid test is WWJD. Or should we say, what DID Jesus do. Jesus said “And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's (Luke 20:25). Are the 9/12er’s following this simple rule? Does their anger that is being fomented by a paranoid psychotic big mouth named Glenn Beck justify their behavior? Not by a long shot. Respect what Jesus has told you to respect and you will receive the respect you give. If you base your behaviors on racial prejudice and lack of intelligence, then you will reap your reward of frustration and anger. God ahead, make your day one of hatred and anger. Share the love of Christ with red in your eyes and red on your neck. See where that will get you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12: fear at its peak

From the smell of burgers on the grill at tailgating parties to the mall in D.C., many gathered to proclaim the mantra, “I want my country back!” And exactly what is their country? A country that, until recently, most of the world hated and despised for its infiltration into the societies of the world and its manipulation of their governments and economies. In essence, Big Brother. Yet the war paint of the old government fans and their louder and louder yelling doesn’t change the fact that our country has changed. People who have studied world history have finally gotten to the point where they see that we are no longer an island unto ourselves, but part of a global community. The founding fathers of our Constitution, mostly Deists, knew that the Constitution had to be a dynamic document. One that could be amended and modified to suit our growth and the times in which we would live. Not a static rag that would putrefy knowledge, growth and wisdom. Flexibility is the key to transition. Rigidity causes attitudes and behaviors to break instead of bend. Yet, with NRA placards in hand and a full metal jacket, those who want to defend our old way of life rise up and march on Washington.

With Bibles in hand they proclaim a way of life that has caused injury and insult to many peaceful people who want to be integrated into a global community. The same mindset that raided the lands of the Native Americans and called them heathens. Peaceful and sharing people who welcomed the settlers with open arms and shared our national holiday of Thanksgiving. People who were open to sharing the land, not raping it. Even if these 9/12er’s were taught the true history, they would still deny it based on the loudest of their leaders’ skew on the facts. Why? Because their leaders are right? Hardly! Because it fits into their pre-conceived agenda of control, domination and manipulation; the American way. Or should I say the redneck American way. In full regale the yahoos led by Jim Bobs marched on D.C. proclaiming an anti-socialist agenda and to make a statement. Over a million strong availed themselves of the right to demonstrate; in full view of the Congress and the President. This wouldn’t have happened in the Bush Administration, for they would have been relegated to demonstrating miles away.

With mantras like, “I want my America back”, many marched with self-righteous indignation like they “own” this country. What about the rest of us who want a better life? Are our opinions of no matter? Leaders who want power for themselves rule with control, domination and manipulation. They spin the facts to suit their needs and get even with those who disagree with them. They smear anyone who offers another opinion. If an opinion stands up to logic, based on facts, then it is worth debating. When conclusions about facts are embraced by people as true, it must stand up to scrutiny under the microscope. Also, it must be seen in a collective light as well. The Christian question is WWJD? Yet, many of these self-righteous 9/12er’s spin that question to defend a way of life that has hurt, moreover than helped, many people in the world.

The bottom line is that the 9/12er’s are preaching FEAR. Did Jesus preach fear? He preached obedience to God and respect for your fellow man. Not to take a position and posture yourself so that your viewpoint is right, whether it stands up to scrutiny or not. Remember the line he drew in the sand? Do most of you know what that idiom means? Have you taken the time to investigate the message of love and faith that Jesus taught? Or are you taking the easy way out and joining a mob of fear and defense based on an antiquated outlook of separatism? Are you enforcing fear at its peak like the Glenn Beck’s of the world or are you contributing to the growth and prosperity of your community? You decide. The facts are right in front of your face. Will you ignore them or support them? It’s up to you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Give the united way

On Thursday, September 10, 2009, I videotaped interviews at a United Way event for When I arrived the 40 some kids were sporting their new United Way tees and smiles that could only come from a moment of getting out of school. After interviewing the director and one of the fundraisers we had an interesting conversation with an officer from DEDO about how much the United Way helps families in Delaware. Please visit their site at the United Way. True spirituality starts when people go out of their way to help other people. Be a part of a world that grows and nurtures the development of its people. Following is the press release for the last Thursday event that “stopped traffic”:


WILMINGTON, Del. (September 10, 2009) – United Way of Delaware (UWD) “stopped traffic” in downtown Wilmington at noon today to stage a “flash mob” and announce its fundraising goal for the 2009 statewide campaign. A group of ‘Live United Players,’ including United Way staff and first-grade students from Kuumba Academy performed in front of the Grand Opera House on Market Street Mall.

Organization leaders joined with community supporters and the general public to announce a 2009 United Way Campaign goal of $20.5 million and to underscore the importance of bringing donors together to support more than 100 social service agencies throughout the state. The campaign will run through the end of the year.

“We launched the campaign differently this year because, frankly, it can’t be business as usual anymore,” said Michelle A. Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of Delaware. “Times are never easy for those who need our help, but things are tougher than ever this year.”

Taylor noted that the economic challenges of the past year have yielded a great deal of compassion from Delawareans, including the many community volunteers who help lead United Way’s appeals and partnerships. The kickoff event included United Way of Delaware’s 2009 Campaign Co-Chairs: Diane Gulyas, Group Vice President for DuPont Performance Materials, and Ted Becker, Managing Partner of Stewart-Becker Properties.

“If you’ve never given to United Way, this is your chance to be a real hero in your community,” Gulyas said as she reminded the crowd about the ease of payroll deductions to support community needs. “If you get paid 26 times per year, just one dollar per pay period can mean eight meals delivered to a homebound senior. Ten dollars per pay would mean three months of mentoring to help a young person stay on a positive path.”

About United Way of Delaware

United Way of Delaware’s mission is to maximize the community’s resources to improve the quality of life for all Delawareans. United Way of Delaware (UWD) works to advance the common good by focusing on the three building blocks to a good life: education, income and health. UWD is engaged in a long-term strategy to eliminate the root causes of Delaware’s most pressing social problems in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties. UWD works collectively with business, government, social service agencies, academic groups, community organizations, and concerned citizens to effect positive, long-lasting solutions for today and into the future. For more information, to make a contribution, or to volunteer to work with UWD, please visit or call (302) 573-3700.

This year’s goal is $20.5 million dollars. They can only reach that goal with your help. Give your donations, your time and your heart to those in need. The blessings you will receive will be multiplied over and over. The basis of spirituality is in the understanding that we are blessed with gifts and talents that we need to share. We are not islands on this earth. We are mountains and forests! Shine forth your light and bring joy to your friends and neighbors. Give the United Way!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Spiritual Liberation and Transformation

What is spiritual liberation and transformation? Liberation means to be set free from bondage. In spiritual terms it means to become aware of and make changes to limiting thought and belief patterns that separate you from health, wealth prosperity and abundance. Transformation means to change in form or appearance. In spiritual terms it means to echo the inner changes of thought and belief into creating a corresponding state of health, wealth prosperity and abundance in your outer world. As within, so without. As above, so below. Michael Beckwith’s new book, Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential, addresses the principles and techniques to achieve liberation and transformation.

Michael Beckwith has a talent to bring esoteric spiritual principles down to earth in common everyday language. In his book Michael Beckwith writes about ancient wisdom as applied to today’s world and unchanging spiritual principles. Our external world is a result of how we give and receive love. Michael gives us an awareness and respect for the principles while utilizing practical tools to bring about our desires. He will present his brand of teaching to seekers in our area on Friday, September 18, 2009.

Following is the press release for the event:

Bodhise Holistic Healing Group and Common Ground Fellowship invite you to an Evening with Michael Bernard Beckwith and Friends in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Friday, September 18th at Tindley Temple on the Avenue of the Arts.

Dr. Beckwith is founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, a featured teacher in the book and film The Secret, and author of the award winning book Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential. In this energizing and transformational speaking engagement, Dr. Beckwith will share ways in which we may consciously accelerate our soul’s evolution and skillfully work with both the individual and global challenges we face today.

Michael will deliver a personal message to Philadelphia — a city historically associated with the quest for liberty and freedom. His presentation is not religiosity or dogma, but a focus on inner liberation that opens us to a life filled with joy, harmony and creativity.

This evening's presentation will draw upon a range of ancient wisdom teachings and spiritual paths to form a coherent practice that is neither Eastern nor Western but truly universal. Musical inspiration will be provided by Rickie Byars Beckwith, Stephen Wise-Katriel, the Common Ground Choir and friends, and will also introduce singer Suzen Cho.

Tickets are $35 in advance and $45 at the door. The event starts at 7:30pm and runs until 10pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm.

Books and DVDs from Dr. Beckwith and Agape will be on sale after the event and Dr. Beckwith will be signing books from 10pm to 11pm.

A VIP reception starts at 6pm for $125 that allows attendees to meet Dr. Beckwith personally and includes reserved front section seats. VIP’s will also get an autographed copy of Michael’s newly released book
Spiritual Liberation and DVD.

Handicapped access is available. For more information follow this link.

Performing at the event will be Stephen-Wise Katriel, a veteran spiritual music performer who at one time worked as a singer with Stevie Wonder. Stephen’s music is laced with spiritual wisdom overlaid on world rhythms that excite and motivate the soul. Minister Rhetta Morgan directs the Common Ground Choir for this evening of spiritual insight, liberation and transformation. I am honored to call Stephen and Rhetta my friends and I am looking forward to their performance as much as witnessing Mr. Beckwith live and in person.

If you are looking to be truly inspired come to this event and witness the teachings of a man who truly seeks peace on our planet. A man whose only mission is to uplift and inspire your soul to attain its maximum potential. Be a part of this life changing event. Hear his words and listen to the music that stirs the soul to be liberated and transformed!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Granny and the intercessor

After a relaxing weekend I decided to read some R&P articles. I needed a good laugh and Mr. Whiner sure knows how to give you one. My “esteamed” (misspelling intentional) raises the bar when it comes to non-sense and rhetoric. One of his readers, Frankly Speaking, left an interesting comment: “Keith Wimer is the best cut and paste man working on the internet today. He believes that Glenn Beck was sent here on a mission from God to push the Conservative agenda forward. He agrees with people on his site that condemned Ted Kennedy to hell the day after he died. He is one confused Christian indeed.” Hmmm. Interesting. Frankly speaking, I found Mr. Whiner’s behavior “inexcusable.” Oh, he tried to back pedal in his second article on Ted Kennedy, only to take the cowardly way out and quote a Catholic priest with his own agenda to reinforce his position. His take on Ted Kennedy is like Sarah Palin’s “kill granny” theory of “death panels.” He elevates himself to the position of intercessor between you and God. He then rants about comments against Glenn Beck as being libelous. As Kerry Martin from says, Keith needs a dictionary! It's not libel if it's the truth.”

Then comes his take on judgment. Judgment means to form and opinion in an objective, authoritative and wise manner. Judgment depends on a person’s evaluation of the facts. Evaluation means to set the value or significance of something after you examine the facts. Mr. Whiner states my “continued efforts to shame, denigrate, and assail the character of this column and its author, through his own writings. The consensus by the majority has been, invectives such as these aren’t worth dignifying.” How convenient. My evaluation of the facts came to one conclusion. Mr. Whiner wasn’t there at Ted Kennedy’s accident, and therefore had no idea as to what had truly happened. He then claims I judged him for that with Aren’t folks who reprimand others for passing judgment, not in fact themselves passing judgment on those they deem "judgmental"? The absolute apex of hypocrisy is for one to accuse another of something they are so blatantly guilty of themselves, whether one recognizes or willingly acknowledges one's own duplicity or not. This is the greater principle the preceding anecdote seeks to edify one and all with.” My evaluation of your actions is completely correct. My judgment is of no consequence, sir. That one you will have to deal with when you meet your maker. Mr. Whiner’s above statement doesn’t hold water when one examines the facts. The apex of ego and hypocrisy comes from anyone who assumes they KNOW what God’s judgment is and inflicts it on another human being. That is NOT our job!

Then, there are his readers. After leaving many insidious comments about me and my character, I decided to wipe my comments and start the slate clean. My choice, my decision, my right. Again, Mr. Whiner’s whiners complained to high heaven with one even threatening to hack into’s servers to retrieve the comments. And these are stable minds? One of his commenters said, “Bringing your daughter into this out of the blue was about as low life as this piece of human garbage can get!!! What an A**hole.” The fact is I referenced his position on TK and asked him what his daughter would think if she knew that he was judging another human being without the facts. I said nothing derogatory about his daughter at all. This is the mindset of these right wing nuts. Attack the person, not the truth that they are saying. Distract the focus from the issues and the truth. Another commenter, Mike Litoris, is such a coward that he uses a play on words that identify a woman’s genitalia to identify himself. In reference to me he says, “He is obviously so envious of your ability to write and reason circles around him, that he has nothing left to offer but personal and highly inaccurate professional attacks on you and YOUR quality work.” There is nothing farther from the truth. I would rather have one reader that I reach with the truth than to have my readers act like such childish morons as Mr. Litoris. To be envious of someone you have to desire what they have. I can assure you, there is nothing that Mr. Whiner has that I want! I have read the Bible cover to cover like him many times and we both see different things. Our major difference is that I don’t buy his eschatological horsecrap. I guess Mr. Whiner was a fly on the wall in the cave on the Isle of Patmos in 90 C.E. when St. John wrote the Revelation.

Here is the bottom line. Anyone who listens to fear and acts on it has not developed his character to lead other individuals. Glenn Beck is one prime example. Anyone who follows him is unstable at best. As Penn of Penn & Teller said, “If God told you to kill your child and you said no, then you are an Atheist. If you said yes, then you are dangerous and stay away from me.” Those who teach and practice faith in God and NOT fear of God are the true leaders in Christ. Not those who preach doom and gloom and the end of the world. Those are the people who don’t have a clue of the mission of human life on this planet. May God bless them in their ignorance.

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