President Barack Obama delivered one of his best speeches yesterday at the University of Maryland. He told a story of how an elderly lady kept repeating the title of this story until he felt fired up. Early in his run for the presidency, he promised a South Carolina state representative that he would visit her hometown of Greenwood. When he arrived to give the speech at Greenwood, SC, he was tired from the campaign trail. But this lady kept on repeating, “Fire it up; are you ready?” It was infectious to him and his campaign staff. Sometimes when you are tired and weary someone steps up to the plate and motivates you. In my case, it has been the many readers who have supported my position concerning the lies and manipulations of the right wing base. This occurred many times during the presidential campaign and even John McCain got to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore when he told the flustered blonde haired lady that Obama was not an Arab and was a decent family man.
All of this form of bashing is nothing more than rhetoric and distraction. If you keep people looking in one direction long enough, they won’t see what is happening elsewhere. When it comes to health care reform what is truly important? Protecting the rights of the insurance companies to gouge us for profits or to help our fellow man? Isn’t that the message that Christ taught? Didn’t he say that if someone knocks on your door and you refuse him that you are refusing Christ? And yet, the right wing base quotes the Bible when they have absolutely NO CLUE as to what it means. They follow fear-mongerers like Glenn Beck who proselytize yahoos with Biblical misinterpretations and rhetoric to support their weak position. These people are the worse form of leaders because they actually believe their own lies. Using bits and pieces of fact they construct an image of fear to support a view that segregates people from their inherent divine heritage. We are all children of God and we are His most prized creation. Anyone who tells you differently is lying and manipulating you at best.
I have been and examiner since April of this year and have published 75 articles. In my discourse, I have tried to emphasize the translations, geographic idioms and language nuances that are associated with the current state of the Bible. At best, what we read is something that has gone through many people at first mouth to mouth and ultimately written down hand to hand. If you believe that everything in the Bible is directly from the mouth of God you are fooling yourself. You are basing your whole life on a book that was constructed to keep the constituency of the various churches in check; to make the priests and ministers middle men between you and God. This I refer to as Literary Authoritarianism.
God is within each and every one of us and we don’t require or need a book or someone else to be one with God. Every day that you express love and compassion for your fellow man you are LIVING God. You are expressing the expansion of the universe. There is one thing that physicists will tell you for sure and that is that this universe is constantly expanding. Conservatism restricts expansion because it believes that the old ways were good enough and that we shouldn’t change them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our constitution was designed to be a dynamic document that would grow as its people grew. Not stagnate with old ways that worked at one point in history but no longer work now.
I posted an article the other day that the editors of the examiner removed. I was taught to respect the wishes of someone else in their home and I will abide by their request of me to no longer attack the position of another examiner. However, I feel compelled to refute what is being taught to what I refer to as an unstable base. Therefore, I have taken my responses to this examiner off of this site and have obtained another piece of virtual real estate to continue my watch dog efforts. If any of my readers or his readers would like to investigate this discourse, then please go here. Yes, I am fired up and yes I am ready. I will not remain tight lipped when I believe many are being misled. Thank you to all of my readers for your support and kind words. I will continue to relay information about Spirituality in this forum and will direct my rebuttals to the other forum. May God bless all of you.
For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.
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